Source code for astroNN.nn.losses

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#   astroNN.nn.losses: losses
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import keras

from astroNN.config import MAGIC_NUMBER
from astroNN.nn import nn_obj_lookup

epsilon = keras.backend.epsilon
Model = keras.Model

def magic_num_check(x):
    # check for magic num and nan
    return keras.ops.logical_or(keras.ops.equal(x, MAGIC_NUMBER), keras.ops.isnan(x))

[docs] def magic_correction_term(y_true): """ Calculate a correction term to prevent the loss being "lowered" by magic_num or NaN :param y_true: Ground Truth :type y_true: keras.ops.Tensor :return: Correction Term :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: | 2018-Jan-30 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) | 2018-Feb-17 - Updated - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ num_nonmagic = keras.ops.sum( keras.ops.cast( keras.ops.logical_not(magic_num_check(y_true)), "float32", ), axis=-1, ) num_magic = keras.ops.sum( keras.ops.cast(magic_num_check(y_true), "float32"), axis=-1 ) # If no magic number, then num_zero=0 and whole expression is just 1 and get back our good old loss # If num_nonzero is 0, that means we don't have any information, then set the correction term to ones return (num_nonmagic + num_magic) / num_nonmagic
def weighted_loss(losses, sample_weight=None): """ Calculate sample-weighted losses from losses :param losses: Losses :type losses: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param sample_weight: Sample weights :type sample_weight: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable, list) :return: Weighted loss :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: 2021-Feb-02 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ if sample_weight is None: return losses else: return keras.ops.multiply(losses, sample_weight) def median(x, axis=None): """ Calculate median :param x: Data :type x: keras.ops.Tensor :param axis: Axis :type axis: int :return: Variance :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: 2021-Aug-13 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ def median_internal(_x): shape = keras.ops.shape(_x)[0] if shape % 2 == 1: _median = keras.ops.top_k(_x, shape // 2 + 1).values[-1] else: _median = ( keras.ops.top_k(_x, shape // 2).values[-1] + keras.ops.top_k(_x, shape // 2 + 1).values[-1] ) / 2 return _median if axis is None: x_flattened = keras.ops.reshape(x, [-1]) median = median_internal(x_flattened) return median else: x_unstacked = keras.ops.unstack(keras.ops.transpose(x), axis=axis) median = keras.ops.stack([median_internal(_x) for _x in x_unstacked]) return median
[docs] def mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): """ Calculate mean square error losses :param y_true: Ground Truth :type y_true: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param y_pred: Prediction :type y_pred: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param sample_weight: Sample weights :type sample_weight: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable, list) :return: Mean Squared Error :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: 2017-Nov-16 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ losses = keras.ops.mean( keras.ops.where( magic_num_check(y_true), keras.ops.zeros_like(y_true), keras.ops.square(y_true - y_pred), ), axis=-1, ) * magic_correction_term(y_true) return weighted_loss(losses, sample_weight)
def mean_squared_reconstruction_error(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): """ Calculate mean square reconstruction error losses :param y_true: Ground Truth :type y_true: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param y_pred: Prediction :type y_pred: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param sample_weight: Sample weights :type sample_weight: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable, list) :return: Mean Squared Error :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: 2022-May-05 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ raw_loss = keras.ops.square(y_true - y_pred) fixed_loss = keras.ops.where( magic_num_check(y_true), keras.ops.zeros_like(y_true), raw_loss, ) losses = weighted_loss(keras.ops.mean(fixed_loss, axis=-1), sample_weight) return keras.ops.mean(keras.ops.sum(losses, axis=-1))
[docs] def mse_lin_wrapper(var, labels_err): """ Calculate predictive variance, and takes account of labels error in Bayesian Neural Network :param var: Predictive Variance :type var: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param labels_err: Known labels error, give zeros if unknown/unavailable :type labels_err: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :return: Robust MSE function for labels prediction neurones, which matches Keras losses API :rtype: function :Returned Funtion Parameter: | **function(y_true, y_pred)** | - **y_true** (*keras.ops.Tensor*): Ground Truth | - **y_pred** (*keras.ops.Tensor*): Prediction | Return (*keras.ops.Tensor*): Robust Mean Squared Error :History: 2017-Nov-16 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ def mse_lin(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): return robust_mse(y_true, y_pred, var, labels_err, sample_weight) mse_lin.__name__ = ( "mse_lin_wrapper" # set the name to be the same as parent so it can be found ) return mse_lin
[docs] def mse_var_wrapper(lin, labels_err): """ Calculate predictive variance, and takes account of labels error in Bayesian Neural Network :param lin: Prediction :type lin: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param labels_err: Known labels error, give zeros if unknown/unavailable :type labels_err: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :return: Robust MSE function for predictive variance neurones which matches Keras losses API :rtype: function :Returned Funtion Parameter: | **function(y_true, y_pred)** | - **y_true** (*keras.ops.Tensor*): Ground Truth | - **y_pred** (*keras.ops.Tensor*): Predictive Variance | Return (*keras.ops.Tensor*): Robust Mean Squared Error :History: 2017-Nov-16 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ def mse_var(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): return robust_mse(y_true, lin, y_pred, labels_err, sample_weight) mse_var.__name__ = ( "mse_var_wrapper" # set the name to be the same as parent so it can be found ) return mse_var
[docs] def robust_mse(y_true, y_pred, logvar, labels_err, sample_weight=None): """ Calculate predictive variance, and takes account of labels error in Bayesian Neural Network :param y_true: Ground Truth :type y_true: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param y_pred: Prediction :type y_pred: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param logvar: Log Predictive Variance :type logvar: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param labels_err: Known labels error, give zeros if unknown/unavailable :type labels_err: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param sample_weight: Sample weights :type sample_weight: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable, list) :return: Robust Mean Squared Error :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: 2018-April-07 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ # labels_err still contains magic_number labels_err = keras.ops.cast(labels_err, "float32") labels_err_y = keras.ops.where( magic_num_check(y_true), keras.ops.zeros_like(y_true), labels_err, ) # Neural Net is predicting log(var), so take exp, takes account the target variance, and take log back var_corrected = keras.ops.exp(logvar) + keras.ops.square(labels_err_y) raw_output = 0.5 * ( (keras.ops.square(y_true - y_pred) / var_corrected) + keras.ops.log(var_corrected) ) wrapper_output = keras.ops.where( magic_num_check(y_true), keras.ops.zeros_like(y_true), raw_output ) losses = keras.ops.mean(wrapper_output, axis=-1) * magic_correction_term(y_true) return weighted_loss(losses, sample_weight)
[docs] def mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): """ Calculate mean absolute error, ignoring the magic number :param y_true: Ground Truth :type y_true: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param y_pred: Prediction :type y_pred: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param sample_weight: Sample weights :type sample_weight: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable, list) :return: Mean Absolute Error :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: 2018-Jan-14 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ raw_loss = keras.ops.abs(y_true - y_pred) losses = keras.ops.mean( keras.ops.where( magic_num_check(y_true), keras.ops.zeros_like(y_true), raw_loss, ), axis=-1, ) * magic_correction_term(y_true) return weighted_loss(losses, sample_weight)
[docs] def mean_absolute_percentage_error(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): """ Calculate mean absolute percentage error, ignoring the magic number :param y_true: Ground Truth :type y_true: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param y_pred: Prediction :type y_pred: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :return: Mean Absolute Percentage Error :param sample_weight: Sample weights :type sample_weight: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable, list) :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: 2018-Feb-17 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ keras.ops_inf = keras.ops.cast( keras.ops.array(1) / keras.ops.array(0), "float32", ) epsilon_tensor = keras.ops.cast( keras.ops.array(keras.backend.epsilon()), "float32", ) diff = keras.ops.abs( (y_true - y_pred) / keras.ops.clip(keras.ops.abs(y_true), epsilon_tensor, keras.ops_inf) ) diff_corrected = keras.ops.where( magic_num_check(y_true), keras.ops.zeros_like(y_true), diff ) losses = ( 100.0 * keras.ops.mean(diff_corrected, axis=-1) * magic_correction_term(y_true) ) return weighted_loss(losses, sample_weight)
def median_absolute_percentage_error(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): """ Calculate median absolute percentage error, ignoring the magic number :param y_true: Ground Truth :type y_true: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param y_pred: Prediction :type y_pred: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :return: Median Absolute Percentage Error :param sample_weight: Sample weights :type sample_weight: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable, list) :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: 2020-Aug-13 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ keras.ops_inf = keras.ops.cast( keras.ops.array(1) / keras.ops.array(0), "float32", ) epsilon_tensor = keras.ops.cast( keras.ops.array(keras.backend.epsilon()), "float32", ) diff = keras.ops.abs( (y_true - y_pred) / keras.ops.clip(keras.ops.abs(y_true), epsilon_tensor, keras.ops_inf) ) diff_corrected = keras.ops.where( magic_num_check(y_true), keras.ops.zeros_like(y_true), diff ) losses = 100.0 * median(diff_corrected, axis=None) * magic_correction_term(y_true) return weighted_loss(losses, sample_weight)
[docs] def mean_squared_logarithmic_error(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): """ Calculate mean squared logarithmic error, ignoring the magic number :param y_true: Ground Truth :type y_true: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param y_pred: Prediction :type y_pred: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param sample_weight: Sample weights :type sample_weight: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable, list) :return: Mean Squared Logarithmic Error :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: 2018-Feb-17 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ keras.ops_inf = keras.ops.cast( keras.ops.array(1) / keras.ops.array(0), "float32", ) epsilon_tensor = keras.ops.cast( keras.ops.array(keras.backend.epsilon()), "float32", ) first_log = keras.ops.log( keras.ops.clip(y_pred, epsilon_tensor, keras.ops_inf) + 1.0 ) second_log = keras.ops.log( keras.ops.clip(y_true, epsilon_tensor, keras.ops_inf) + 1.0 ) raw_log_diff = keras.ops.square(first_log - second_log) log_diff = keras.ops.where( magic_num_check(y_true), keras.ops.zeros_like(y_true), raw_log_diff, ) losses = keras.ops.mean(log_diff, axis=-1) * magic_correction_term(y_true) return weighted_loss(losses, sample_weight)
[docs] def mean_error(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): """ Calculate mean error as a way to get the bias in prediction, ignoring the magic number :param y_true: Ground Truth :type y_true: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param y_pred: Prediction :type y_pred: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param sample_weight: Sample weights :type sample_weight: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable, list) :return: Mean Error :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: 2018-May-22 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ raw_loss = y_true - y_pred losses = keras.ops.mean( keras.ops.where( magic_num_check(y_true), keras.ops.zeros_like(y_true), raw_loss, ), axis=-1, ) * magic_correction_term(y_true) return weighted_loss(losses, sample_weight)
[docs] def mean_percentage_error(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): """ Calculate mean percentage error, ignoring the magic number :param y_true: Ground Truth :type y_true: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param y_pred: Prediction :type y_pred: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param sample_weight: Sample weights :type sample_weight: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable, list) :return: Mean Percentage Error :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: 2018-Jun-06 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ keras.ops_inf = keras.ops.cast( keras.ops.array(1) / keras.ops.array(0), "float32", ) epsilon_tensor = keras.ops.cast( keras.ops.array(keras.backend.epsilon()), "float32", ) diff = y_true - y_pred / keras.ops.clip(y_true, epsilon_tensor, keras.ops_inf) diff_corrected = keras.ops.where( magic_num_check(y_true), keras.ops.zeros_like(y_true), diff ) losses = ( 100.0 * keras.ops.mean(diff_corrected, axis=-1) * magic_correction_term(y_true) ) return weighted_loss(losses, sample_weight)
def median_percentage_error(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): """ Calculate median percentage error, ignoring the magic number :param y_true: Ground Truth :type y_true: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param y_pred: Prediction :type y_pred: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param sample_weight: Sample weights :type sample_weight: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable, list) :return: Median Percentage Error :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: 2020-Aug-13 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ keras.ops_inf = keras.ops.cast( keras.ops.array(1) / keras.ops.array(0), "float32", ) epsilon_tensor = keras.ops.cast( keras.ops.array(keras.backend.epsilon()), "float32", ) diff = y_true - y_pred / keras.ops.clip(y_true, epsilon_tensor, keras.ops_inf) diff_corrected = keras.ops.where( magic_num_check(y_true), keras.ops.zeros_like(y_true), diff ) losses = 100.0 * median(diff_corrected, axis=None) * magic_correction_term(y_true) return weighted_loss(losses, sample_weight)
[docs] def categorical_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None, from_logits=False): """ Categorical cross-entropy between an output tensor and a target tensor, ignoring the magic number :param y_true: Ground Truth :type y_true: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param y_pred: Prediction :type y_pred: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param sample_weight: Sample weights :type sample_weight: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable, list) :param from_logits: From logits space or not. If you want to use logits, please use from_logits=True :type from_logits: boolean :return: Categorical Cross-Entropy :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: 2018-Jan-14 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ # calculate correction term first correction = magic_correction_term(y_true) # Deal with magic number y_true = keras.ops.where( magic_num_check(y_true), keras.ops.zeros_like(y_true), y_true ) # Note: keras.ops.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits expects logits, we expects probabilities by default. if not from_logits: epsilon_tensor = keras.ops.cast( keras.ops.array(keras.backend.epsilon()), "float32", ) # scale preds so that the class probas of each sample sum to 1 y_pred = y_pred / keras.ops.sum(y_pred, len(keras.ops.shape(y_pred)) - 1, True) # manual computation of crossentropy y_pred = keras.ops.clip(y_pred, epsilon_tensor, 1.0 - epsilon_tensor) losses = ( -keras.ops.sum( y_true * keras.ops.log(y_pred), len(keras.ops.shape(y_pred)) - 1 ) * correction ) return weighted_loss(losses, sample_weight) else: losses = ( keras.ops.categorical_crossentropy( target=y_true, output=y_pred, from_logits=True ) * correction ) return weighted_loss(losses, sample_weight)
[docs] def binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None, from_logits=False): """ Binary cross-entropy between an output tensor and a target tensor, ignoring the magic number :param y_true: Ground Truth :type y_true: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param y_pred: Prediction :type y_pred: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param from_logits: From logits space or not. If you want to use logits, please use from_logits=True :type from_logits: boolean :param sample_weight: Sample weights :type sample_weight: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable, list) :return: Binary Cross-Entropy :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: 2018-Jan-14 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ # Note: keras.ops.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits expects logits, we expects probabilities by default. if not from_logits: epsilon_tensor = keras.ops.cast( keras.ops.array(keras.backend.epsilon()), "float32", ) # transform back to logits y_pred = keras.ops.clip(y_pred, epsilon_tensor, 1.0 - epsilon_tensor) y_pred = keras.ops.log(y_pred / (1.0 - y_pred)) cross_entropy = keras.ops.binary_crossentropy( target=y_true, output=y_pred, from_logits=True ) corrected_cross_entropy = keras.ops.where( magic_num_check(y_true), keras.ops.zeros_like(cross_entropy), cross_entropy, ) losses = keras.ops.mean(corrected_cross_entropy, axis=-1) * magic_correction_term( y_true ) return weighted_loss(losses, sample_weight)
[docs] def bayesian_categorical_crossentropy_wrapper(logit_var, *args, **kwargs): """ | Categorical crossentropy between an output tensor and a target tensor for Bayesian Neural Network | equation (12) of arxiv:1703.04977 :param logit_var: Predictive variance :type logit_var: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :return: Robust categorical_crossentropy function for predictive variance neurones which matches Keras losses API :rtype: function :Returned Function Parameter: | **function(y_true, y_pred)** | - **y_true** (*keras.ops.Tensor*): Ground Truth | - **y_pred** (*keras.ops.Tensor*): Prediction in logits space | Return (*keras.ops.Tensor*): Robust categorical crossentropy :History: 2018-Mar-15 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ # y_pred is logits def bayesian_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): return robust_categorical_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred, logit_var, sample_weight) # set the name to be the same as parent so it can be found bayesian_crossentropy.__name__ = "bayesian_categorical_crossentropy_wrapper" return bayesian_crossentropy
[docs] def bayesian_categorical_crossentropy_var_wrapper(logits): """ | Categorical crossentropy between an output tensor and a target tensor for Bayesian Neural Network | equation (12) of arxiv:1703.04977 :param logits: Prediction in logits space :type logits: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :return: Robust categorical_crossentropy function for predictive variance neurones which matches Keras losses API :rtype: function :Returned Function Parameter: | **function(y_true, y_pred)** | - **y_true** (*keras.ops.Tensor*): Ground Truth | - **y_pred** (*keras.ops.Tensor*): Predictive variance in logits space | Return (*keras.ops.Tensor*): Robust categorical crossentropy :History: 2018-Mar-15 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ # y_pred is predictive entropy def bayesian_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): return robust_categorical_crossentropy(y_true, logits, y_pred, sample_weight) # set the name to be the same as parent so it can be found bayesian_crossentropy.__name__ = "bayesian_categorical_crossentropy_var_wrapper" return bayesian_crossentropy
[docs] def robust_categorical_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred, logit_var, sample_weight): """ Calculate categorical accuracy, ignoring the magic number :param y_true: Ground Truth :type y_true: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param y_pred: Prediction in logits space :type y_pred: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param logit_var: Predictive variance in logits space :type logit_var: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param sample_weight: Sample weights :type sample_weight: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable, list) :return: categorical cross-entropy :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: 2018-Mar-15 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ variance_depressor = keras.ops.mean( keras.ops.exp(logit_var) - keras.ops.ones_like(logit_var) ) undistorted_loss = categorical_crossentropy( y_true, y_pred, sample_weight, from_logits=True ) mc_num = 25 batch_size = keras.ops.shape(y_pred)[0] label_size = keras.ops.shape(y_pred)[-1] noise = keras.random.normal(shape=[mc_num, batch_size, label_size]) dist = y_pred + noise * logit_var mc_result = -keras.ops.elu( keras.ops.tile(undistorted_loss, [mc_num]) - categorical_crossentropy( keras.ops.tile(y_true, [mc_num, 1]), keras.ops.reshape(dist, (batch_size * mc_num, label_size)), from_logits=True, ) ) variance_loss = ( keras.ops.mean(keras.ops.reshape(mc_result, (mc_num, batch_size)), axis=0) * undistorted_loss ) losses = ( variance_loss + undistorted_loss + variance_depressor ) * magic_correction_term(y_true) return weighted_loss(losses, sample_weight)
[docs] def bayesian_binary_crossentropy_wrapper(logit_var, *args, **kwargs): """ | Binary crossentropy between an output tensor and a target tensor for Bayesian Neural Network | equation (12) of arxiv:1703.04977 :param logit_var: Predictive variance :type logit_var: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :return: Robust binary_crossentropy function for predictive variance neurones which matches Keras losses API :rtype: function :Returned Function Parameter: | **function(y_true, y_pred)** | - **y_true** (*keras.ops.Tensor*): Ground Truth | - **y_pred** (*keras.ops.Tensor*): Prediction in logits space | Return (*keras.ops.Tensor*): Robust binary crossentropy :History: 2018-Mar-15 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ # y_pred is logits def bayesian_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): return robust_binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred, logit_var, sample_weight) # set the name to be the same as parent so it can be found bayesian_crossentropy.__name__ = "bayesian_binary_crossentropy_wrapper" return bayesian_crossentropy
[docs] def bayesian_binary_crossentropy_var_wrapper(logits): """ | Binary crossentropy between an output tensor and a target tensor for Bayesian Neural Network | equation (12) of arxiv:1703.04977 :param logits: Prediction in logits space :type logits: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :return: Robust binary_crossentropy function for predictive variance neurones which matches Keras losses API :rtype: function :Returned Function Parameter: | **function(y_true, y_pred)** | - **y_true** (*keras.ops.Tensor*): Ground Truth | - **y_pred** (*keras.ops.Tensor*): Predictive variance in logits space | Return (*keras.ops.Tensor*): Robust binary crossentropy :History: 2018-Mar-15 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ # y_pred is predictive entropy def bayesian_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): return robust_binary_crossentropy(y_true, logits, y_pred, sample_weight) # set the name to be the same as parent so it can be found bayesian_crossentropy.__name__ = "bayesian_binary_crossentropy_var_wrapper" return bayesian_crossentropy
[docs] def robust_binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred, logit_var, sample_weight): """ Calculate binary accuracy, ignoring the magic number :param y_true: Ground Truth :type y_true: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param y_pred: Prediction in logits space :type y_pred: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param logit_var: Predictive variance in logits space :type logit_var: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param sample_weight: Sample weights :type sample_weight: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable, list) :return: categorical cross-entropy :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: 2018-Mar-15 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ variance_depressor = keras.ops.mean( keras.ops.exp(logit_var) - keras.ops.ones_like(logit_var) ) undistorted_loss = binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred, from_logits=True) mc_num = 25 batch_size = keras.ops.shape(y_pred)[0] label_size = keras.ops.shape(y_pred)[-1] noise = keras.random.normal(shape=[mc_num, batch_size, label_size]) dist = y_pred + noise * logit_var mc_result = -keras.ops.elu( keras.ops.tile(undistorted_loss, [mc_num]) - binary_crossentropy( keras.ops.tile(y_true, [mc_num, 1]), keras.ops.reshape(dist, (batch_size * mc_num, label_size)), from_logits=True, ) ) variance_loss = ( keras.ops.mean(keras.ops.reshape(mc_result, (mc_num, batch_size)), axis=0) * undistorted_loss ) losses = ( variance_loss + undistorted_loss + variance_depressor ) * magic_correction_term(y_true) return weighted_loss(losses, sample_weight)
def nll(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): """ Calculate negative log likelihood :param y_true: Ground Truth :type y_true: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param y_pred: Prediction :type y_pred: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param sample_weight: Sample weights :type sample_weight: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable, list) :return: Negative log likelihood :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: 2018-Jan-30 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ # astroNN binary_cross_entropy gives the mean over the last axis. we require the sum losses = keras.ops.sum(binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred), axis=-1) return weighted_loss(losses, sample_weight)
[docs] def categorical_accuracy(y_true, y_pred): """ Calculate categorical accuracy, ignoring the magic number :param y_true: Ground Truth :type y_true: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param y_pred: Prediction :type y_pred: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :return: Categorical Classification Accuracy :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: 2018-Jan-21 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ y_true = keras.ops.where( magic_num_check(y_true), keras.ops.zeros_like(y_true), y_true ) return keras.ops.cast( keras.ops.equal( keras.ops.argmax(y_true, axis=-1), keras.ops.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1), ), "float32", ) * magic_correction_term(y_true)
def __binary_accuracy(from_logits=False): """ Calculate binary accuracy, ignoring the magic number :param from_logits: From logits space or not. If you want to use logits, please use from_logits=True :type from_logits: boolean :return: Function for Binary classification accuracy which matches Keras losses API :rtype: function :Returned Funtion Parameter: | **function(y_true, y_pred)** | - **y_true** (*keras.ops.Tensor*): Ground Truth | - **y_pred** (*keras.ops.Tensor*): Prediction | Return (*keras.ops.Tensor*): Binary Classification Accuracy :History: 2018-Jan-31 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ # DO NOT correct y_true for magic number, just let it goes wrong and then times a correction terms def binary_accuracy_internal(y_true, y_pred): if from_logits: y_pred = keras.ops.sigmoid(y_pred) return keras.ops.mean( keras.ops.cast( keras.ops.equal(y_true, keras.ops.round(y_pred)), "float32", ), axis=-1, ) * magic_correction_term(y_true) if not from_logits: binary_accuracy_internal.__name__ = ( "binary_accuracy" # set the name to be displayed in keras.ops/Keras log ) else: binary_accuracy_internal.__name__ = "binary_accuracy_from_logits" # set the name to be displayed in keras.ops/Keras log return binary_accuracy_internal
[docs] def binary_accuracy(*args, **kwargs): """ Calculate binary accuracy, ignoring the magic number :param y_true: Ground Truth :type y_true: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param y_pred: Prediction :type y_pred: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :return: Binary accuracy :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: 2018-Jan-31 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ return __binary_accuracy(from_logits=False)(*args, **kwargs)
def binary_accuracy_from_logits(*args, **kwargs): """ Calculate binary accuracy from logits, ignoring the magic number :param y_true: Ground Truth :type y_true: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param y_pred: Prediction :type y_pred: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :return: Binary accuracy :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: 2018-Jan-31 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ return __binary_accuracy(from_logits=True)(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def zeros_loss(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): """ Always return zeros :param y_true: Ground Truth :type y_true: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param y_pred: Prediction :type y_pred: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param sample_weight: Sample weights :type sample_weight: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable, list) :return: Zeros :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: 2018-May-24 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ losses = keras.ops.mean( keras.ops.where(magic_num_check(y_true), keras.ops.zeros_like(y_true), y_true) * 0.0 + 0.0 * y_pred, axis=-1, ) return weighted_loss(losses, sample_weight)
def median_error(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None, axis=-1): """ Calculate median difference :param y_true: Ground Truth :type y_true: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param y_pred: Prediction :type y_pred: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param axis: Axis :type axis: int :return: Variance :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: 2021-Aug-13 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ # keras.ops.boolean_mask(keras.ops.logical_not(magic_num_check(y_true)) return weighted_loss(median(y_true - y_pred, axis=axis), sample_weight) def median_absolute_deviation(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None, axis=-1): """ Calculate median absilute difference :param y_true: Ground Truth :type y_true: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param y_pred: Prediction :type y_pred: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param axis: Axis :type axis: int :return: Variance :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: 2021-Aug-13 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ return weighted_loss( median(keras.ops.abs(y_true - y_pred), axis=axis), sample_weight ) def mad_std(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None, axis=-1): """ Calculate 1.4826 * median absilute difference :param y_true: Ground Truth :type y_true: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param y_pred: Prediction :type y_pred: Union(keras.ops.Tensor, keras.ops.Variable) :param axis: Axis :type axis: int :return: Variance :rtype: keras.ops.Tensor :History: 2021-Aug-13 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ return weighted_loss( 1.4826 * median_absolute_deviation(y_true, y_pred, axis=axis), sample_weight ) # Just alias functions mse = mean_squared_error mae = mean_absolute_error mape = mean_absolute_percentage_error msle = mean_squared_logarithmic_error me = mean_error mpe = mean_percentage_error mad = median_absolute_deviation # legacy support mse_lin = mse_lin_wrapper mse_var = mse_var_wrapper def losses_lookup(identifier): """ Lookup astroNN.nn.losses function by name :param identifier: identifier :type identifier: str :return: Looked up function :rtype: function :History: 2018-Apr-28 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ return nn_obj_lookup(identifier, module_obj=globals(), module_name=__name__)