Getting Started

astroNN is developed on Github with its source code hosted there. But the easiest way to install is via pip on Python PyPI by running the following command in your terminal

pip install astroNN

To install the latest development version, you can clone the repository by running the following command:

git clone --depth=1

then install it by running:

python -m pip install .

or if you want to install it in editable mode, you can run:

python -m pip install -e .


astroNN requires Python 3.10 or above. The following packages are required which will be installed automatically when you install astroNN:


Currently astroNN supports both Tensorflow and PyTorch as backend. You can use either one of them. The current required version are:


To plot the model, you will need to install graphviz. On Ubuntu, you can install it by running:

sudo apt install graphviz

On MacOS, you can install it by running:

brew install graphviz

On Windows, you can download the Windows package from and add the package to the PATH environment variable.

Running on Google Colab

To use the latest commit of astroNN on Google Colab, you can copy and paste the following

!pip install torch keras
!pip install git+
!export KERAS_BACKEND=torch

Basic FAQ

How can I contribute?

You can contact me (Henry: henrysky [dot] leung [at] utoronto [dot] ca) or refer to Contributor and Issue Reporting guide.

I have encountered a bug

Please try to use the latest commit of astroNN. If the issue persists, please report to

I am receiving warnings on missing environment variables

If you are not dealing with APOGEE or Gaia data, please ignore those warnings. If error raised to prevent you to use some of astroNN functionality, please report it as a bug to

If you don’t want those warnings to be shown again, go to astroNN’s configuration file and set environmentvariablewarning to False

I have installed pydot and graphviz but still fail to plot the model

if you are encountering this issue, please uninstall both pydot and graphviz and run the following command

pip install pydot
conda install graphviz

Then if you are using MacOS, run the following command

brew install graphviz

If you are using Windows, go to to download the Windows package and add the package to the PATH environment variable.

Configuration File

astroNN configuration file is located at ~/.astroNN/config.ini which contains a few astroNN settings.

Currently, the default configuration file should look like this

magicnumber = -9999.0
multiprocessing_generator = False
environmentvariablewarning = True

custommodelpath = None
cpufallback = False
gpu_mem_ratio = True

magicnumber refers to the Magic Number which representing missing labels/data, default is nan.

multiprocessing_generator refers to whether enable multiprocessing in astroNN data generator. Default is False.

environmentvariablewarning refers to whether you will be warned about not setting APOGEE and Gaia environment variable.

custommodelpath refers to a list of custom models, path to the folder containing custom model (.py files), multiple paths can be separated by ;. Default value is None meaning no additional path will be searched when loading model. Or for example: /users/astroNN/custom_models/;/local/some_other_custom_models/ if you have self defined model in those locations.

cpufallback refers to whether force keras to use CPU.

For whatever reason if you want to reset the configure file:

1from astroNN.config import config_path
3# astroNN will reset the config file if the flag = 2

Dara Folder Structure and Environment Variables

This code depends on environment variables and folders for APOGEE, Gaia and LAMOST data. The environment variables are

  • SDSS_LOCAL_SAS_MIRROR: top-level directory that will be used to (selectively) mirror the SDSS Science Archive Server (SAS)

  • GAIA_TOOLS_DATA: top-level directory under which the Gaia data will be stored.

  • LASMOT_DR5_DATA: top-level directory under which the LASMOST DR5 data will be stored.

How to set environment variable on different operating system: Guide here

├── dr14/
│   ├── apogee/spectro/redux/r8/stars/
│   │   ├── apo25m/
│   │   │   ├── 4102/
│   │   │   │   ├── apStar-r8-2M21353892+4229507.fits
│   │   │   │   ├── apStar-r8-**********+*******.fits
│   │   │   │   └── ****/
│   │   ├── apo1m/
│   │   │   ├── hip/
│   │   │   │   ├── apStar-r8-2M00003088+5933348.fits
│   │   │   │   ├── apStar-r8-**********+*******.fits
│   │   │   │   └── ***/
│   │   ├── l31c/l31c.2/
│   │   │   ├── allStar-l30e.2.fits
│   │   │   ├── allVisit-l30e.2.fits
│   │   │   ├── 4102/
│   │   │   │   ├── aspcapStar-r8-l30e.2-2M21353892+4229507.fits
│   │   │   │   ├── aspcapStar-r8-l30e.2-**********+*******.fits
│   │   │   │   └── ****/
│   │   │   └── Cannon/
│   │   │       └── allStarCannon-l31c.2.fits
└── dr13/
    └── *similar to dr14 above/*

└── Gaia/
    ├── gdr1/tgas_source/fits/
    │   ├── TgasSource_000-000-000.fits
    │   ├── TgasSource_000-000-001.fits
    │   └── ***.fits
    └── gdr2/gaia_source_with_rv/fits/
        ├── GaiaSource_2851858288640_1584379458008952960.fits
        ├── GaiaSource_1584380076484244352_2200921635402776448.fits
        └── ***.fits

└── DR5/
    ├── LAMO5_2MS_AP9_SD14_UC4_PS1_AW_Carlin_M.fits
    ├── 20111024
    │   ├── F5902
    │   │   ├──spec-55859-F5902_sp01-001.fits.gz
    │   │   └── ****.fits.gz
    │   └── ***/
    ├── 20111025
    │   ├── B6001
    │   │   ├──spec-55860-B6001_sp01-001.fits.gz
    │   │   └── ****.fits.gz
    │   └── ***/
    └── ***/


The APOGEE and Gaia folder structure should be consistent with APOGEE and gaia_tools python package by Jo Bovy, tools for dealing with APOGEE and Gaia data

A dedicated project folder is recommended to run astroNN, always run astroNN under the root of project folder. So that astroNN will always create folder for every neural network you run under the same place. Just as below
