Source code for astroNN.gaia.gaia_shared

# ---------------------------------------------------------#
#   astroNN.gaia.gaia_shared: shared functions for apogee
# ---------------------------------------------------------#

import os
import warnings

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u

from astroNN.config import MAGIC_NUMBER

default_parallax_unit = u.mas

# Sun's absmag in different Johnson/Cousins/2MASS/Sloan bands in Vega system
# sun abs mag in pass bands source: --> Table 3
solar_absmag_bands = {
    "U": 5.61,  # Johnson U
    "B": 5.44,  # Johnson B
    "V": 4.81,  # Johnson V
    "R": 4.43,  # Cousins R
    "I": 4.10,  # Cousins I
    "J": 3.67,  # 2MASS J
    "H": 3.32,  # 2MASS H
    "K": 3.27,  # 2MASS Ks
    "Ks": 3.27,  # 2MASS Ks
    "u": 5.49,  # SDSS u
    "g": 5.23,  # SDSS g
    "r": 4.53,  # SDSS r
    "i": 4.19,  # SDSS i
    "z": 4.01,  # SDSS z
    "G": 4.67,  # Gaia G,

def gaia_env():
    Get Gaia environment variable

    :return: Path to Gaia Data
    :rtype: str
    :History: 2017-Oct-26 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)
    from astroNN.config import ENVVAR_WARN_FLAG

    _GAIA = os.getenv("GAIA_TOOLS_DATA")
    if _GAIA is None and ENVVAR_WARN_FLAG is True:
        warnings.warn("Gaia environment variable GAIA_TOOLS_DATA not set")
    return _GAIA

def gaia_default_dr(dr=None):
    Check if dr argument is provided, if none then use default

    :param dr: Gaia DR
    :type dr: Union[NoneType, int]
    :return: Gaia DR
    :rtype: int
    :History: 2017-Oct-26 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)
    if dr is None:
        dr = 3
        warnings.warn(f"dr is not provided, using default dr={dr}")
    return dr

[docs] def mag_to_fakemag(mag, parallax, parallax_err=None): """ To convert apparent magnitude to astroNN fakemag, Magic Number will be preserved :param mag: apparent magnitude :type mag: Union[float, ndarray] :param parallax: parallax (mas) or with astropy(can be distance with units) so astroNN will convert to appropriate units :type parallax: Union[float, ndarray, astropy Quantity] :param parallax_err: parallax_error (mas) or with astropy so astroNN will convert to appropriate units :type parallax_err: Union[NoneType, float, ndarray, astropy Quantity] :return: astroNN fakemag, with addition (with additional return of propagated error if parallax_err is provided) :rtype: Union[float, ndarray] :History: 2017-Oct-14 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ # Check unit if available if isinstance(parallax, u.Quantity): original_parallax_unit = parallax.unit parallax =, equivalencies=u.parallax()) if parallax_err is not None: if not isinstance(parallax_err, u.Quantity): # assume parallax error carry the same original unit as parallax if no units detected parallax_err = ( (parallax_err * original_parallax_unit) .to(default_parallax_unit) .value ) if isinstance(parallax_err, u.Quantity): parallax_err = mag = np.array(mag) parallax_unitless = np.array( parallax ) # Take the value as we cant apply pow() to astropy unit magic_idx = ( (parallax_unitless == MAGIC_NUMBER) | (mag == MAGIC_NUMBER) | (mag < -90.0) | np.isnan(parallax_unitless) | np.isnan(mag) ) # check for magic number with ( warnings.catch_warnings() ): # suppress numpy Runtime warning caused by MAGIC_NUMBER warnings.simplefilter("ignore") fakemag = parallax_unitless * (10.0 ** (0.2 * mag)) if parallax_unitless.shape != (): # check if its only 1 element fakemag[magic_idx] = MAGIC_NUMBER else: fakemag = MAGIC_NUMBER if magic_idx == [1] else fakemag if parallax_err is None: return fakemag else: fakemag_err = np.abs((parallax_err / parallax_unitless) * fakemag) if parallax_unitless.shape != (): # check if its only 1 element fakemag_err[magic_idx] = MAGIC_NUMBER else: fakemag_err = MAGIC_NUMBER if magic_idx == [1] else fakemag_err return fakemag, fakemag_err
[docs] def mag_to_absmag(mag, parallax, parallax_err=None): """ To convert apparent magnitude to absolute magnitude, Magic Number will be preserved :param mag: apparent magnitude :type mag: Union[float, ndarray] :param parallax: parallax (mas) or with astropy (can be distance with units) so astroNN will convert to appropriate units :type parallax: Union[float, ndarray, astropy Quantity] :param parallax_err: parallax_error (mas) or with astropy so astroNN will convert to appropriate units :type parallax_err: Union[NoneType, float, ndarray, astropy Quantity] :return: absolute magnitude (with additional return of propagated error if parallax_err is provided) :rtype: Union[float, ndarray] :History: 2017-Oct-14 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ # Check unit if available if isinstance(parallax, u.Quantity): original_parallax_unit = parallax.unit parallax =, equivalencies=u.parallax()) if parallax_err is not None: if not isinstance(parallax_err, u.Quantity): # assume parallax error carry the same original unit as parallax if no units detected parallax_err = ( (parallax_err * original_parallax_unit) .to(default_parallax_unit) .value ) if isinstance(parallax_err, u.Quantity): parallax_err = # warnings.warn(f'Please be advised that astroNN mag_to_absmag() expects {}, ' # f'astroNN has corrected the unit according to astropy unit framework') # else: # warnings.warn(f'Please be advised that astroNN mag_to_absmag expects parallax in {}') mag = np.array(mag) parallax_unitless = np.array( parallax ) # Take the value as we cant apply log10 to astropy unit magic_idx = ( (parallax_unitless == MAGIC_NUMBER) | (mag == MAGIC_NUMBER) | (mag < -90.0) | np.isnan(parallax_unitless) | np.isnan(mag) ) # check for magic number with ( warnings.catch_warnings() ): # suppress numpy Runtime warning caused by MAGIC_NUMBER warnings.simplefilter("ignore") absmag = mag + 5.0 * (np.log10(parallax_unitless) - 2.0) if parallax_unitless.shape != (): # check if its only 1 element absmag[magic_idx] = MAGIC_NUMBER else: absmag = MAGIC_NUMBER if magic_idx == [1] else absmag if parallax_err is None: return absmag else: absmag_err = 5.0 * np.abs(parallax_err / (parallax_unitless * absmag)) if parallax_unitless.shape != (): # check if its only 1 element absmag_err[magic_idx] = MAGIC_NUMBER else: absmag_err = MAGIC_NUMBER if magic_idx == [1] else absmag_err return absmag, absmag_err
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs] def absmag_to_pc(absmag, mag): """ To convert absolute magnitude to parsec, Magic Number will be preserved :param absmag: absolute magnitude :type absmag: Union[float, ndarray] :param mag: apparent magnitude :type mag: Union[float, ndarray] :return: parsec :rtype: astropy Quantity :History: 2017-Nov-16 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ absmag = np.array(absmag) mag = np.array(mag) magic_idx = ( (absmag == MAGIC_NUMBER) | (mag == MAGIC_NUMBER) | np.isnan(absmag) | np.isnan(mag) ) # check for magic number with ( warnings.catch_warnings() ): # suppress numpy Runtime warning caused by MAGIC_NUMBER warnings.simplefilter("ignore") pc = 10.0 ** (((mag - absmag) / 5.0) + 1.0) if absmag.shape != (): # check if its only 1 element pc[magic_idx] = MAGIC_NUMBER return pc * u.parsec else: return (MAGIC_NUMBER if magic_idx == [1] else pc) * u.parsec
[docs] def fakemag_to_absmag(fakemag): """ To convert fakemag to absmag, Magic Number will be preserved :param fakemag: eastroNN fakemag :type fakemag: Union[float, ndarray] :return: absolute magnitude :rtype: Union[float, ndarray] :History: 2018-Jan-31 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ fakemag = np.array(fakemag) # treat non-negative fakemag as MAGIC_NUMBER magic_idx = ( (fakemag == MAGIC_NUMBER) | (fakemag <= 0.0) | np.isnan(fakemag) ) # check for magic number and negative fakemag with ( warnings.catch_warnings() ): # suppress numpy Runtime warning caused by MAGIC_NUMBER warnings.simplefilter("ignore") absmag = 5.0 * (np.log10(fakemag) - 2.0) if absmag.shape != (): # check if its only 1 element absmag[magic_idx] = MAGIC_NUMBER else: # for float absmag = MAGIC_NUMBER if magic_idx == [1] else absmag return absmag
[docs] def absmag_to_fakemag(absmag): """ To convert absmag to fakemag, Magic Number will be preserved :param absmag: absolute magnitude :type absmag: Union[float, ndarray] :return: astroNN fakemag :rtype: Union[float, ndarray] :History: 2018-Jan-31 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ absmag = np.array(absmag) magic_idx = (absmag == MAGIC_NUMBER) | np.isnan(absmag) # check for magic number with ( warnings.catch_warnings() ): # suppress numpy Runtime warning caused by MAGIC_NUMBER warnings.simplefilter("ignore") fakemag = 10.0 ** (0.2 * absmag + 2.0) if fakemag.shape != (): # check if its only 1 element fakemag[magic_idx] = MAGIC_NUMBER else: # for float fakemag = MAGIC_NUMBER if magic_idx == [1] else fakemag return fakemag
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs] def fakemag_to_pc(fakemag, mag, fakemag_err=None): """ To convert fakemag to parsec, Magic Number will be preserved :param fakemag: astroNN fakemag :type fakemag: Union[float, ndarray] :param mag: apparent magnitude :type mag: Union[float, ndarray] :param fakemag_err: Optional, fakemag_err :type fakemag_err: Union[NoneType, float, ndarray] :return: array of pc with astropy Quantity (with additional return of propagated error if fakemag_err is provided) :rtype: astropy Quantity :History: 2018-Jan-31 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ fakemag = np.array(fakemag) mag = np.array(mag) # treat non-positive fakemag as MAGIC_NUMBER, check for magic number and negative fakemag magic_idx = ( (fakemag == MAGIC_NUMBER) | (mag == MAGIC_NUMBER) | (fakemag <= 0.0) | np.isnan(fakemag) | np.isnan(mag) ) with ( warnings.catch_warnings() ): # suppress numpy Runtime warning caused by MAGIC_NUMBER warnings.simplefilter("ignore") pc = 1000.0 * (10.0 ** (0.2 * mag)) / fakemag if fakemag.shape != (): # check if its only 1 element pc[magic_idx] = MAGIC_NUMBER else: # for float pc = MAGIC_NUMBER if magic_idx == [1] else pc if fakemag_err is None: return pc * u.parsec else: with ( warnings.catch_warnings() ): # suppress numpy Runtime warning caused by MAGIC_NUMBER warnings.simplefilter("ignore") pc_err = (fakemag_err / fakemag) * pc if fakemag.shape != (): # check if its only 1 element pc_err[magic_idx] = MAGIC_NUMBER else: # for float pc_err = MAGIC_NUMBER if magic_idx == [1] else pc_err return pc * u.parsec, pc_err * u.parsec
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs] def fakemag_to_parallax(fakemag, mag, fakemag_err=None): """ To convert fakemag to parallax, Magic Number will be preserved :param fakemag: astroNN fakemag :type fakemag: Union[float, ndarray] :param mag: apparent magnitude :type mag: Union[float, ndarray] :param fakemag_err: Optional, fakemag_err :type fakemag_err: Union[NoneType, float, ndarray] :return: array of parallax in mas with astropy Quantity (with additional return of propagated error if fakemag_err is provided) :rtype: astropy Quantity :History: 2018-Aug-11 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ fakemag = np.array(fakemag) mag = np.array(mag) # treat non-positive fakemag as MAGIC_NUMBER, check for magic number and negative fakemag magic_idx = ( (fakemag == MAGIC_NUMBER) | (mag == MAGIC_NUMBER) | (fakemag <= 0.0) | np.isnan(fakemag) | np.isnan(mag) ) with ( warnings.catch_warnings() ): # suppress numpy Runtime warning caused by MAGIC_NUMBER warnings.simplefilter("ignore") parallax = fakemag / (10.0 ** (0.2 * mag)) if fakemag.shape != (): # check if its only 1 element parallax[magic_idx] = MAGIC_NUMBER else: # for float parallax = MAGIC_NUMBER if magic_idx == [1] else parallax if fakemag_err is None: return parallax * u.mas else: with ( warnings.catch_warnings() ): # suppress numpy Runtime warning caused by MAGIC_NUMBER warnings.simplefilter("ignore") parallax_err = (fakemag_err / fakemag) * parallax if fakemag.shape != (): # check if its only 1 element parallax_err[magic_idx] = MAGIC_NUMBER else: # for float parallax_err = MAGIC_NUMBER if magic_idx == [1] else parallax_err return parallax * u.mas, parallax_err * u.mas
[docs] def fakemag_to_logsol(fakemag, band="K"): """ | To convert fakemag to log10 solar luminosity, negative fakemag will be converted to MAGIC_NUMBER because of | fakemag cannot be negative in physical world :param fakemag: astroNN fakemag :type fakemag: Union[float, ndarray] :param band: band of your fakemag to use with :type band: str(['U', 'B', 'V', 'R', 'I', 'J', 'H', 'K','u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z']) :return: log solar luminosity :rtype: Union[float, ndarray] :History: 2018-May-06 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ fakemag = np.array(fakemag) magic_idx = ( (fakemag == MAGIC_NUMBER) | (fakemag <= 0.0) | np.isnan(fakemag) ) # check for magic number with ( warnings.catch_warnings() ): # suppress numpy Runtime warning caused by MAGIC_NUMBER warnings.simplefilter("ignore") log10sol_lum = np.array( 0.4 * (solar_absmag_bands[band] - fakemag_to_absmag(fakemag)) ) if log10sol_lum.shape != (): # check if its only 1 element log10sol_lum[magic_idx] = MAGIC_NUMBER else: # for float log10sol_lum = MAGIC_NUMBER if magic_idx == [1] else log10sol_lum return log10sol_lum
[docs] def absmag_to_logsol(absmag, band="K"): """ To convert absmag to log10 solar luminosity :param absmag: absolute magnitude :type absmag: Union[float, ndarray] :param band: band of your absmag to use with :type band: str(['U', 'B', 'V', 'R', 'I', 'J', 'H', 'K','u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z']) :return: log solar luminosity :rtype: Union[float, ndarray] :History: 2018-May-06 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ absmag = np.array(absmag) magic_idx = (absmag == MAGIC_NUMBER) | np.isnan(absmag) # check for magic number with ( warnings.catch_warnings() ): # suppress numpy Runtime warning caused by MAGIC_NUMBER warnings.simplefilter("ignore") log10sol_lum = np.array(0.4 * (solar_absmag_bands[band] - absmag)) if log10sol_lum.shape != (): # check if its only 1 element log10sol_lum[magic_idx] = MAGIC_NUMBER else: # for float log10sol_lum = MAGIC_NUMBER if magic_idx == [1] else log10sol_lum return log10sol_lum
[docs] def logsol_to_fakemag(logsol, band="K"): """ | To convert log10 solar luminosity to fakemag, negative fakemag will be converted to MAGIC_NUMBER because of fakemag | cannot be negative in physical world :param logsol: log solar luminosity :type logsol: Union[float, ndarray] :param band: band of your fakemag to use with :type band: str(['U', 'B', 'V', 'R', 'I', 'J', 'H', 'K','u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z']) :return: astroNN fakemag :rtype: Union[float, ndarray] :History: 2018-May-06 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ logsol = np.array(logsol) magic_idx = (logsol == MAGIC_NUMBER) | np.isnan(logsol) # check for magic number with ( warnings.catch_warnings() ): # suppress numpy Runtime warning caused by MAGIC_NUMBER warnings.simplefilter("ignore") fakemag = np.array(absmag_to_fakemag(solar_absmag_bands[band] - logsol / 0.4)) if fakemag.shape != (): # check if its only 1 element fakemag[magic_idx] = MAGIC_NUMBER else: # for float fakemag = MAGIC_NUMBER if magic_idx == [1] else fakemag return fakemag
[docs] def logsol_to_absmag(logsol, band="K"): """ | To convert log10 solar luminosity to absmag, negative fakemag will be converted to MAGIC_NUMBER because of fakemag | cannot be negative in physical world :param logsol: log solar luminosity :type logsol: Union[float, ndarray] :param band: band of your absmag to use with :type band: str(['U', 'B', 'V', 'R', 'I', 'J', 'H', 'K','u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z']) :return: absmag :rtype: Union[float, ndarray] :History: 2018-May-06 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ logsol = np.array(logsol) magic_idx = (logsol == MAGIC_NUMBER) | np.isnan(logsol) # check for magic number with ( warnings.catch_warnings() ): # suppress numpy Runtime warning caused by MAGIC_NUMBER warnings.simplefilter("ignore") absmag = solar_absmag_bands[band] - logsol / 0.4 if absmag.shape != (): # check if its only 1 element absmag[magic_idx] = MAGIC_NUMBER else: # for float absmag = MAGIC_NUMBER if magic_idx == [1] else absmag return absmag
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs] def fakemag_to_mag(fakemag, pc, pc_err=None): """ To convert apparent magnitude to astroNN fakemag, Magic Number will be preserved :param fakemag: fakemag :type fakemag: Union[float, ndarray] :param pc: parsec or with astropy (can be parallax with units) so astroNN will convert to appropriate units :type pc: Union[float, ndarray, astropy Quantity] :param pc_error: parsec uncertainty or with astropy so astroNN will convert to appropriate units :type pc_error: Union[NoneType, float, ndarray, astropy Quantity] :return: astroNN fakemag, with addition (with additional return of propagated error if parallax_err is provided) :rtype: Union[float, ndarray] :History: 2018-Aug-1 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ # Check unit if available if isinstance(pc, u.Quantity): original_parallax_unit = pc.unit pc =, equivalencies=u.parallax()) if pc_err is not None: if not isinstance(pc_err, u.Quantity): # assume parallax error carry the same original unit as parallax if no units detected pc_err = (pc_err * original_parallax_unit).to(u.parsec).value if isinstance(pc_err, u.Quantity): pc_err = fakemag = np.array(fakemag) pc_unitless = np.array(pc) # Take the value as we cant apply pow() to astropy unit magic_idx = ( (pc_unitless == MAGIC_NUMBER) | (fakemag == MAGIC_NUMBER) | (fakemag <= 0.0) | np.isnan(pc_unitless) | np.isnan(fakemag) ) # check for magic number with ( warnings.catch_warnings() ): # suppress numpy Runtime warning caused by MAGIC_NUMBER warnings.simplefilter("ignore") mag = np.log10((pc_unitless / 1000) * fakemag) / 0.2 if pc_unitless.shape != (): # check if its only 1 element mag[magic_idx] = MAGIC_NUMBER else: fakemag = MAGIC_NUMBER if magic_idx == [1] else fakemag if pc_err is None: return mag else: mag_err = np.abs((pc_err / pc) * fakemag) if pc_unitless.shape != (): # check if its only 1 element mag_err[magic_idx] = MAGIC_NUMBER else: mag_err = MAGIC_NUMBER if magic_idx == [1] else mag_err return mag, mag_err
[docs] def extinction_correction(mag, extinction): """ To correct magnitude with extinction, this function assumes extinction is at the same wavelength as the magnitude you have provided :param mag: apparent magnitude :type mag: Union[float, ndarray] :param extinction: extinction :type extinction: Union[float, ndarray] :return: corrected magnitude :rtype: Union[float, ndarray] :History: 2018-May-13 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ mag = np.array(mag) extinction = np.array(extinction) extinction[extinction < -1.0] = ( 0.0 # extinction cannot be that negative, if yes then assume no extinction ) magic_idx = ( (mag == MAGIC_NUMBER) | (mag < -90.0) | np.isnan(mag) ) # check for magic number mag_ec = mag - extinction if mag_ec.shape != (): # check if its only 1 element mag_ec[magic_idx] = MAGIC_NUMBER return mag_ec else: return MAGIC_NUMBER if magic_idx == [1] else mag_ec