Source code for astroNN.datasets.apogee

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from import fits

from astroNN.apogee import allstar
from astroNN.apogee.downloader import apogee_distances, apogee_rc
from astroNN.gaia import mag_to_absmag, mag_to_fakemag, extinction_correction

[docs] def load_apogee_distances( dr=None, unit="distance", cuts=True, extinction=True, keepdims=False ): """ Load apogee distances (absolute magnitude from stellar model) :param dr: Apogee DR :type dr: int :param unit: which unit you want to get back - "absmag" for absolute magnitude - "fakemag" for fake magnitude - "distance" for distance in parsec :type unit: string :param cuts: Whether to cut bad data (negative parallax and percentage error more than 20%), or a float to set the threshold :type cuts: Union[boolean, float] :param extinction: Whether to take extinction into account, only affect when unit is NOT 'distance' :type extinction: bool :param keepdims: Whether to preserve indices the same as APOGEE allstar DR14, no effect when cuts=False, set to -9999 for bad indices when cuts=True keepdims=True :type keepdims: boolean :return: numpy array of ra, dec, array, err_array :rtype: ndarrays :History: | 2018-Jan-25 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) | 2021-Jan-29 - Updated - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ fullfilename = apogee_distances(dr=dr) with as F: hdulist = F[1].data # Convert kpc to pc distance = hdulist["BPG_dist50"] * 1000 dist_err = (hdulist["BPG_dist84"] - hdulist["BPG_dist16"]) * 1000 allstarfullpath = allstar(dr=dr) with as F: k_mag = F[1].data["K"] if extinction: k_mag = extinction_correction(k_mag, F[1].data["AK_TARG"]) ra = F[1].data["RA"] dec = F[1].data["DEC"] # Bad index refers to nan index bad_index = np.argwhere(np.isnan(distance)) if unit == "distance": # removed astropy units because of -9999. is dimensionless, will have issues output = distance output_err = dist_err elif unit == "absmag": absmag, absmag_err = mag_to_absmag( k_mag, 1 / distance * u.arcsec, (1 / distance) * (dist_err / distance) ) output = absmag output_err = absmag_err elif unit == "fakemag": # fakemag requires parallax (mas) fakemag, fakemag_err = mag_to_fakemag( k_mag, 1000 / distance * u.mas, (1000 / distance) * (dist_err / distance) ) output = fakemag output_err = fakemag_err else: raise ValueError("Unknown unit") # Set the nan index to -9999. as they are bad and unknown. Not magic_number as this is an APOGEE dataset output[bad_index], output_err[bad_index] = -9999.0, -9999.0 if cuts is False: pass else: distance[bad_index], dist_err[bad_index] = -9999.0, -9999.0 good_idx = (dist_err / distance < (0.2 if cuts is True else cuts)) & ( distance != -9999.0 ) if not keepdims: ra = ra[good_idx] dec = dec[good_idx] output = output[good_idx] output_err = output_err[good_idx] else: output[(dist_err / distance > (0.2 if cuts is True else cuts))] = -9999.0 output_err[ (dist_err / distance > (0.2 if cuts is True else cuts)) ] = -9999.0 return ra, dec, output, output_err
[docs] def load_apogee_rc(dr=None, unit="distance", extinction=True): """ Load apogee red clumps (absolute magnitude measurement) :param dr: Apogee DR :type dr: int :param unit: which unit you want to get back - "absmag" for k-band absolute magnitude - "fakemag" for k-band fake magnitude - "distance" for distance in parsec :type unit: string :param extinction: Whether to take extinction into account, only affect when unit is NOT 'distance' :type extinction: bool :return: numpy array of ra, dec, array :rtype: ndarrays :History: | 2018-Jan-21 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) | 2018-May-12 - Updated - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ fullfilename = apogee_rc(dr=dr) with as F: hdulist = F[1].data ra = hdulist["RA"] dec = hdulist["DEC"] rc_dist = hdulist["RC_DIST"] rc_parallax = (1 / rc_dist) * u.mas # Convert kpc to parallax in mas k_mag = hdulist["K"] if extinction: k_mag = extinction_correction(k_mag, hdulist["AK_TARG"]) if unit == "distance": output = rc_dist * 1000 elif unit == "absmag": absmag = mag_to_absmag(k_mag, rc_parallax) output = absmag elif unit == "fakemag": # fakemag requires parallax (mas) fakemag = mag_to_fakemag(k_mag, rc_parallax) output = fakemag else: raise ValueError("Unknown unit") return ra, dec, output