Source code for astroNN.neuralode.odeint

import tensorflow as tf
from astroNN.neuralode.dop853 import dop853
from astroNN.neuralode.runge_kutta import rk4

method_list = {"dop853": dop853, "rk4": rk4}

[docs]def odeint( func=None, x=None, t=None, aux=None, method="dop853", precision=tf.float32, *args, **kwargs, ): """ To computes the numerical solution of a system of first order ordinary differential equations y'=f(x,y). Default precision at float32. :param func: function of the differential equation, usually take func([position, velocity], time) and return velocity, acceleration :type func: callable :param x: initial x, usually is [position, velocity] :type x: Union([tf.Tensor, numpy.ndarray, list]) :param t: set of times at which one wants the result :type t: Union([tf.Tensor, numpy.ndarray, list]) :param method: numerical integrator to use, available integrators are ['dop853', 'rk4'] :type method: str :param precision: float precision, tf.float32 or tf.float64 :type precision: type :param t: set of times at which one wants the result :type t: Union([tf.Tensor, numpy.ndarray, list]) :return: integrated result :rtype: tf.Tensor :History: 2020-May-31 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ try: ode_method = method_list[method.lower()] except KeyError: raise NotImplementedError(f"Method {method} is not implemented") # check things if they are tensors if not isinstance(x, tf.Tensor): x = tf.constant(x) if not isinstance(t, tf.Tensor): t = tf.constant(t) if precision == tf.float32: tf_float = tf.float32 elif precision == tf.float64: tf_float = tf.float64 else: raise TypeError(f"Data type {precision} not understood") x = tf.cast(x, tf_float) t = tf.cast(t, tf_float) if aux is not None: aux_flag = True else: aux_flag = False if not isinstance(aux, tf.Tensor) and aux_flag: aux = tf.constant(aux, dtype=tf_float) @tf.function def wrapped_func(x, t, *args, **kwargs): return func(x, t, *args, **kwargs) if not aux_flag: if len(x.shape) < 2: # ensure multi-dim return ode_method( func=wrapped_func, x=x, t=t, tf_float=tf_float, *args, **kwargs )[0] else: total_num = x.shape[0] if len(t.shape) < 2: t = tf.stack([t] * total_num) def odeint_external(tensor): return ode_method( func=wrapped_func, x=tensor[0], t=tensor[1], tf_float=tf_float, *args, **kwargs, ) @tf.function def parallelized_func(tensor): return tf.map_fn(odeint_external, tensor) # result in (x, t, aux) result = parallelized_func((x, t)) else: if len(x.shape) < 2: # ensure multi-dim return ode_method( func=wrapped_func, x=x, t=t, aux=aux, tf_float=tf_float, *args, **kwargs )[0] else: total_num = x.shape[0] if len(t.shape) < 2: t = tf.stack([t] * total_num) def odeint_external(tensor): return ode_method( func=wrapped_func, x=tensor[0], t=tensor[1], aux=tensor[2], tf_float=tf_float, *args, **kwargs, ) @tf.function def parallelized_func(tensor): return tf.map_fn(odeint_external, tensor) # result in (x, t, aux) result = parallelized_func((x, t, aux)) return result[0]