Source code for astroNN.models.base_bayesian_cnn

import json
import os
import time
import warnings
from abc import ABC
from packaging import version

import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from tensorflow import keras as tfk
from astroNN.config import MAGIC_NUMBER, MULTIPROCESS_FLAG
from astroNN.config import _astroNN_MODEL_NAME
from astroNN.datasets import H5Loader
from astroNN.models.base_master_nn import NeuralNetMaster
from astroNN.nn.callbacks import VirutalCSVLogger
from astroNN.nn.layers import FastMCInference
from astroNN.nn.losses import (
from astroNN.nn.metrics import categorical_accuracy, binary_accuracy
from astroNN.nn.numpy import sigmoid
from astroNN.nn.utilities import Normalizer
from astroNN.nn.utilities.generator import GeneratorMaster
from astroNN.shared.warnings import deprecated, deprecated_copy_signature
from astroNN.shared.nn_tools import gpu_availability
from astroNN.shared.dict_tools import dict_np_to_dict_list, list_to_dict

from astroNN.nn.losses import (
from astroNN.nn.losses import (
from astroNN.nn.losses import mse_lin_wrapper, mse_var_wrapper

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.keras.engine import data_adapter
from tensorflow.python.util import nest

regularizers = tfk.regularizers
ReduceLROnPlateau = tfk.callbacks.ReduceLROnPlateau
Adam = tfk.optimizers.Adam

class BayesianCNNDataGenerator(GeneratorMaster):
    To generate data to NN

    :param batch_size: batch size
    :type batch_size: int
    :param shuffle: Whether to shuffle batches or not
    :type shuffle: bool
    :param data: List of data to NN
    :type data: list
    :param manual_reset: Whether need to reset the generator manually, usually it is handled by tensorflow
    :type manual_reset: bool
    :param sample_weight: Sample weights (if any)
    :type sample_weight: Union([NoneType, ndarray])
        | 2017-Dec-02 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)
        | 2019-Feb-17 - Updated - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)

    def __init__(
        self.inputs =[0]
        self.labels =[1]
        self.sample_weight = sample_weight

        # initial idx
        self.idx_list = self._get_exploration_order(

    def _data_generation(self, idx_list_temp):
        x = self.input_d_checking(self.inputs, idx_list_temp)
        if "labels_err" in x.keys():
            x.update({"labels_err": np.squeeze(x["labels_err"])})
        y = {}
        for name in self.labels.keys():
            y.update({name: self.labels[name][idx_list_temp]})
        if self.sample_weight is not None:
            return x, y, self.sample_weight[idx_list_temp]
            return x, y

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self._data_generation(
            self.idx_list[index * self.batch_size : (index + 1) * self.batch_size]

    def on_epoch_end(self):
        # shuffle the list when epoch ends for the next epoch
        self.idx_list = self._get_exploration_order(

class BayesianCNNPredDataGenerator(GeneratorMaster):
    To generate data to NN for prediction

    :param batch_size: batch size
    :type batch_size: int
    :param shuffle: Whether to shuffle batches or not
    :type shuffle: bool
    :param data: List of data to NN
    :type data: list
    :param manual_reset: Whether need to reset the generator manually, usually it is handled by tensorflow
    :type manual_reset: bool
    :param pbar: tqdm progress bar
    :type pbar: obj
        | 2017-Dec-02 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)
        | 2019-Feb-17 - Updated - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)

    def __init__(
        self, batch_size, shuffle, steps_per_epoch, data, manual_reset=False, pbar=None
        self.inputs =[0]
        self.pbar = pbar

        # initial idx
        self.idx_list = self._get_exploration_order(
        self.current_idx = -1

    def _data_generation(self, idx_list_temp):
        # Generate data
        x = self.input_d_checking(self.inputs, idx_list_temp)
        return x

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        x = self._data_generation(
            self.idx_list[index * self.batch_size : (index + 1) * self.batch_size]
        if self.pbar and index > self.current_idx:
        self.current_idx = index
        return x

    def on_epoch_end(self):
        # shuffle the list when epoch ends for the next epoch
        self.idx_list = self._get_exploration_order(

[docs]class BayesianCNNBase(NeuralNetMaster, ABC): """ Top-level class for a Bayesian convolutional neural network :History: 2018-Jan-06 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() = "Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network" self._model_type = "BCNN" self.initializer = None self.activation = None self._last_layer_activation = None self.num_filters = None self.filter_len = None self.pool_length = None self.num_hidden = None self.reduce_lr_epsilon = None self.reduce_lr_min = None self.reduce_lr_patience = None self.l1 = None self.l2 = None self.maxnorm = None self.inv_model_precision = None # inverse model precision self.dropout_rate = 0.2 self.length_scale = 3 # prior length scale self.mc_num = 100 # increased to 100 due to high performance VI on GPU implemented on 14 April 2018 (Henry) self.val_size = 0.1 self.disable_dropout = False self.aux_length = 0 self.input_norm_mode = 1 self.labels_norm_mode = 2 self.keras_model_predict = None def pre_training_checklist_child(self, input_data, labels, sample_weight): input_data, labels = self.pre_training_checklist_master(input_data, labels) # check if exists (existing means the model has already been trained (e.g. fine-tuning), so we do not need calculate mean/std again) if self.input_normalizer is None: self.input_normalizer = Normalizer( mode=self.input_norm_mode, verbose=self.verbose ) self.labels_normalizer = Normalizer( mode=self.labels_norm_mode, verbose=self.verbose ) norm_data = self.input_normalizer.normalize(input_data) self.input_mean, self.input_std = ( self.input_normalizer.mean_labels, self.input_normalizer.std_labels, ) norm_labels = self.labels_normalizer.normalize(labels) self.labels_mean, self.labels_std = ( self.labels_normalizer.mean_labels, self.labels_normalizer.std_labels, ) else: norm_data = self.input_normalizer.normalize(input_data, calc=False) norm_labels = self.labels_normalizer.normalize(labels, calc=False) # No need to care about Magic number as loss function looks for magic num in y_true only norm_data.update( { "input_err": (input_data["input_err"] / self.input_std["input"]), "labels_err": input_data["labels_err"] / self.labels_std["output"], } ) norm_labels.update({"variance_output": norm_labels["output"]}) if ( self.keras_model is None ): # only compile if there is no keras_model, e.g. fine-tuning does not required self.compile() if self.has_val: self.train_idx, self.val_idx = train_test_split( np.arange(self.num_train + self.val_num), test_size=self.val_size ) else: self.train_idx = np.arange(self.num_train + self.val_num) # just dummy, to minimize modification needed self.val_idx = np.arange(self.num_train + self.val_num)[:2] norm_data_training = {} norm_data_val = {} norm_labels_training = {} norm_labels_val = {} for name in norm_data.keys(): norm_data_training.update({name: norm_data[name][self.train_idx]}) norm_data_val.update({name: norm_data[name][self.val_idx]}) for name in norm_labels.keys(): norm_labels_training.update({name: norm_labels[name][self.train_idx]}) norm_labels_val.update({name: norm_labels[name][self.val_idx]}) if sample_weight is not None: sample_weight_training = sample_weight[self.train_idx] sample_weight_val = sample_weight[self.val_idx] else: sample_weight_training = None sample_weight_val = None self.inv_model_precision = (2 * self.num_train * self.l2) / ( self.length_scale**2 * (1 - self.dropout_rate) ) self.training_generator = BayesianCNNDataGenerator( batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=True, steps_per_epoch=self.num_train // self.batch_size, data=[norm_data_training, norm_labels_training], manual_reset=False, sample_weight=sample_weight_training, ) if self.has_val: val_batchsize = ( self.batch_size if len(self.val_idx) > self.batch_size else len(self.val_idx) ) self.validation_generator = BayesianCNNDataGenerator( batch_size=val_batchsize, shuffle=False, steps_per_epoch=max(self.val_num // self.batch_size, 1), data=[norm_data_val, norm_labels_val], manual_reset=True, sample_weight=sample_weight_val, ) return ( norm_data_training, norm_data_val, norm_labels_training, norm_labels_val, sample_weight_training, sample_weight_val, ) def compile( self, optimizer=None, loss=None, metrics=None, weighted_metrics=None, loss_weights=None, sample_weight_mode=None, ): if optimizer is not None: self.optimizer = optimizer elif self.optimizer is None or self.optimizer == "adam": self.optimizer = Adam(, beta_1=self.beta_1, beta_2=self.beta_2, epsilon=self.optimizer_epsilon, ) if metrics is not None: self.metrics = metrics if self.task == "regression": if self._last_layer_activation is None: self._last_layer_activation = "linear" elif self.task == "classification": if self._last_layer_activation is None: self._last_layer_activation = "softmax" elif self.task == "binary_classification": if self._last_layer_activation is None: self._last_layer_activation = "sigmoid" else: raise RuntimeError( 'Only "regression", "classification" and "binary_classification" are supported' ) ( self.keras_model, self.keras_model_predict, self.output_loss, self.variance_loss, ) = self.model() if self.task == "regression": self._output_loss = lambda predictive, labelerr: mse_lin_wrapper( predictive, labelerr ) elif self.task == "classification": self._output_loss = ( lambda predictive, labelerr: bayesian_categorical_crossentropy_wrapper( predictive ) ) elif self.task == "binary_classification": self._output_loss = ( lambda predictive, labelerr: bayesian_binary_crossentropy_wrapper( predictive ) ) else: raise RuntimeError( 'Only "regression", "classification" and "binary_classification" are supported' ) # all zero losss as dummy lose if self.task == "regression": self.metrics = ( [mean_absolute_error, mean_error] if not self.metrics else self.metrics ) self.keras_model.compile( optimizer=self.optimizer, loss=zeros_loss, metrics=self.metrics, weighted_metrics=weighted_metrics, sample_weight_mode=sample_weight_mode, ) elif self.task == "classification": self.metrics = [categorical_accuracy] if not self.metrics else self.metrics self.keras_model.compile( optimizer=self.optimizer, loss=zeros_loss, metrics={"output": self.metrics}, weighted_metrics=weighted_metrics, sample_weight_mode=sample_weight_mode, ) elif self.task == "binary_classification": self.metrics = [binary_accuracy] if not self.metrics else self.metrics self.keras_model.compile( optimizer=self.optimizer, loss=zeros_loss, metrics={"output": self.metrics}, weighted_metrics=weighted_metrics, sample_weight_mode=sample_weight_mode, ) # inject custom training step if needed try: self.custom_train_step() except NotImplementedError: pass except TypeError: self.keras_model.train_step = self.custom_train_step # inject custom testing step if needed try: self.custom_test_step() except NotImplementedError: pass except TypeError: self.keras_model.test_step = self.custom_test_step return None
[docs] def recompile( self, weighted_metrics=None, loss_weights=None, sample_weight_mode=None ): """ To be used when you need to recompile a already existing model """ # all zero losss as dummy lose if self.task == "regression": self.metrics = ( [mean_absolute_error, mean_error] if not self.metrics else self.metrics ) self.keras_model.compile( optimizer=self.optimizer, loss=zeros_loss, metrics=self.metrics, weighted_metrics=weighted_metrics, sample_weight_mode=sample_weight_mode, ) elif self.task == "classification": self.metrics = [categorical_accuracy] if not self.metrics else self.metrics self.keras_model.compile( optimizer=self.optimizer, loss=zeros_loss, metrics={"output": self.metrics}, weighted_metrics=weighted_metrics, sample_weight_mode=sample_weight_mode, ) elif self.task == "binary_classification": self.metrics = [binary_accuracy] if not self.metrics else self.metrics self.keras_model.compile( optimizer=self.optimizer, loss=zeros_loss, metrics={"output": self.metrics}, weighted_metrics=weighted_metrics, sample_weight_mode=sample_weight_mode, )
[docs] def custom_train_step(self, data): """ Custom training logic :param data: :return: """ data = data_adapter.expand_1d(data) x, y, sample_weight = data_adapter.unpack_x_y_sample_weight(data) # Run forward pass. with tf.GradientTape() as tape: y_pred = self.keras_model(x, training=True) self.keras_model.compiled_loss._losses = self._output_loss( y_pred[1], x["labels_err"] ) self.keras_model.compiled_loss._losses = nest.map_structure( self.keras_model.compiled_loss._get_loss_object, self.keras_model.compiled_loss._losses, ) self.keras_model.compiled_loss._losses = nest.flatten( self.keras_model.compiled_loss._losses ) loss = self.keras_model.compiled_loss( y, y_pred, sample_weight, regularization_losses=self.keras_model.losses ) # Run backwards pass. self.keras_model.optimizer.minimize( loss, self.keras_model.trainable_variables, tape=tape ) self.keras_model.compiled_metrics.update_state(y, y_pred, sample_weight) # Collect metrics to return return_metrics = {} for metric in self.keras_model.metrics: result = metric.result() if isinstance(result, dict): return_metrics.update(result) else: return_metrics[] = result return return_metrics
def custom_test_step(self, data): data = data_adapter.expand_1d(data) x, y, sample_weight = data_adapter.unpack_x_y_sample_weight(data) y_pred = self.keras_model(x, training=False) # Updates stateful loss metrics. temploss = self._output_loss(y_pred[1], x["labels_err"]) self.keras_model.compiled_loss._losses = temploss self.keras_model.compiled_loss._losses = nest.map_structure( self.keras_model.compiled_loss._get_loss_object, self.keras_model.compiled_loss._losses, ) self.keras_model.compiled_loss._losses = nest.flatten( self.keras_model.compiled_loss._losses ) self.keras_model.compiled_loss( y, y_pred, sample_weight, regularization_losses=self.keras_model.losses ) self.keras_model.compiled_metrics.update_state(y, y_pred, sample_weight) # Collect metrics to return return_metrics = {} for metric in self.keras_model.metrics: result = metric.result() if isinstance(result, dict): return_metrics.update(result) else: return_metrics[] = result return return_metrics
[docs] def fit( self, input_data, labels, inputs_err=None, labels_err=None, sample_weight=None, experimental=False, ): """ Train a Bayesian neural network :param input_data: Data to be trained with neural network :type input_data: ndarray :param labels: Labels to be trained with neural network :type labels: ndarray :param inputs_err: Error for input_data (if any), same shape with input_data. :type inputs_err: Union([NoneType, ndarray]) :param labels_err: Labels error (if any) :type labels_err: Union([NoneType, ndarray]) :param sample_weight: Sample weights (if any) :type sample_weight: Union([NoneType, ndarray]) :return: None :rtype: NoneType :History: | 2018-Jan-06 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) | 2018-Apr-12 - Updated - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ if inputs_err is None: inputs_err = np.zeros_like(input_data) if labels_err is None: labels_err = np.zeros_like(labels) # TODO: allow named inputs too?? input_data = { "input": input_data, "input_err": inputs_err, "labels_err": labels_err, } labels = {"output": labels, "variance_output": labels} # Call the checklist to create astroNN folder and save parameters ( norm_data_training, norm_data_val, norm_labels_training, norm_labels_val, sample_weight_training, sample_weight_val, ) = self.pre_training_checklist_child(input_data, labels, sample_weight) # norm_data_training['labels_err'] = norm_data_training['labels_err'].filled(MAGIC_NUMBER).astype(np.float32) # TODO: fix the monitor name reduce_lr = ReduceLROnPlateau( monitor="val_output_mean_absolute_error", factor=0.5, min_delta=self.reduce_lr_epsilon, patience=self.reduce_lr_patience, min_lr=self.reduce_lr_min, mode="min", verbose=self.verbose, ) self.virtual_cvslogger = VirutalCSVLogger() self.__callbacks = [ reduce_lr, self.virtual_cvslogger, ] # default must have unchangeable callbacks if self.callbacks is not None: if isinstance(self.callbacks, list): self.__callbacks.extend(self.callbacks) else: self.__callbacks.append(self.callbacks) start_time = time.time() if experimental: dataset = ( (norm_data_training, norm_labels_training, sample_weight_training) ) .batch(self.batch_size) .shuffle(5000, reshuffle_each_iteration=True) .prefetch( ) val_dataset = ( (norm_data_val, norm_labels_val, sample_weight_val) ) .batch(self.batch_size) .prefetch( ) self.history = dataset, validation_data=val_dataset, epochs=self.max_epochs, verbose=self.verbose, workers=os.cpu_count() // 2, callbacks=self.__callbacks, use_multiprocessing=MULTIPROCESS_FLAG, ) else: self.history = self.training_generator, validation_data=self.validation_generator, epochs=self.max_epochs, verbose=self.verbose, workers=os.cpu_count() // 2, callbacks=self.__callbacks, use_multiprocessing=MULTIPROCESS_FLAG, ) print(f"Completed Training, {(time.time() - start_time):.{2}f}s in total") if self.autosave is True: # Call the post training checklist to save parameters return None
[docs] def fit_on_batch( self, input_data, labels, inputs_err=None, labels_err=None, sample_weight=None ): """ Train a Bayesian neural network by running a single gradient update on all of your data, suitable for fine-tuning :param input_data: Data to be trained with neural network :type input_data: ndarray :param labels: Labels to be trained with neural network :type labels: ndarray :param inputs_err: Error for input_data (if any), same shape with input_data. :type inputs_err: Union([NoneType, ndarray]) :param labels_err: Labels error (if any) :type labels_err: Union([NoneType, ndarray]) :param sample_weight: Sample weights (if any) :type sample_weight: Union([NoneType, ndarray]) :return: None :rtype: NoneType :History: | 2018-Aug-25 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ self.has_model_check() if inputs_err is None: inputs_err = np.zeros_like(input_data) if labels_err is None: labels_err = np.zeros_like(labels) input_data = { "input": input_data, "input_err": inputs_err, "labels_err": labels_err, } labels = {"output": labels, "variance_output": labels} # check if exists (existing means the model has already been trained (e.g. fine-tuning), so we do not need calculate mean/std again) if self.input_normalizer is None: self.input_normalizer = Normalizer( mode=self.input_norm_mode, verbose=self.verbose ) self.labels_normalizer = Normalizer( mode=self.labels_norm_mode, verbose=self.verbose ) norm_data = self.input_normalizer.normalize(input_data) self.input_mean, self.input_std = ( self.input_normalizer.mean_labels, self.input_normalizer.std_labels, ) norm_labels = self.labels_normalizer.normalize(labels) self.labels_mean, self.labels_std = ( self.labels_normalizer.mean_labels, self.labels_normalizer.std_labels, ) else: norm_data = self.input_normalizer.normalize(input_data, calc=False) norm_labels = self.labels_normalizer.normalize(labels, calc=False) # No need to care about Magic number as loss function looks for magic num in y_true only norm_data.update( { "input_err": (input_data["input_err"] / self.input_std["input"]), "labels_err": input_data["labels_err"] / self.labels_std["output"], } ) norm_labels.update({"variance_output": norm_labels["output"]}) start_time = time.time() fit_generator = BayesianCNNDataGenerator( batch_size=input_data["input"].shape[0], shuffle=False, steps_per_epoch=1, data=[norm_data, norm_labels], sample_weight=sample_weight, ) score = fit_generator, epochs=1, verbose=self.verbose, workers=os.cpu_count(), use_multiprocessing=MULTIPROCESS_FLAG, ) print( f"Completed Training on Batch, {(time.time() - start_time):.{2}f}s in total" ) return None
def post_training_checklist_child(self): + _astroNN_MODEL_NAME) print( _astroNN_MODEL_NAME + f" saved to {(self.fullfilepath + _astroNN_MODEL_NAME)}" ) self.hyper_txt.write(f"Dropout Rate: {self.dropout_rate} \n") self.hyper_txt.flush() self.hyper_txt.close() data = { "id": self.__class__.__name__ if self._model_identifier is None else self._model_identifier, "pool_length": self.pool_length, "filterlen": self.filter_len, "filternum": self.num_filters, "hidden": self.num_hidden, "input": self._input_shape, "labels": self._labels_shape, "task": self.task, "last_layer_activation": self._last_layer_activation, "activation": self.activation, "input_mean": dict_np_to_dict_list(self.input_mean), "inv_tau": self.inv_model_precision, "length_scale": self.length_scale, "labels_mean": dict_np_to_dict_list(self.labels_mean), "input_std": dict_np_to_dict_list(self.input_std), "labels_std": dict_np_to_dict_list(self.labels_std), "valsize": self.val_size, "targetname": self.targetname, "dropout_rate": self.dropout_rate, "l1": self.l1, "l2": self.l2, "maxnorm": self.maxnorm, "input_norm_mode": self.input_normalizer.normalization_mode, "labels_norm_mode": self.labels_normalizer.normalization_mode, "input_names": self.input_names, "output_names": self.output_names, "batch_size": self.batch_size, "aux_length": self.aux_length, } with open(self.fullfilepath + "/astroNN_model_parameter.json", "w") as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
[docs] def predict(self, input_data, inputs_err=None, batch_size=None): """ Test model, High performance version designed for fast variational inference on GPU :param input_data: Data to be inferred with neural network :type input_data: ndarray :param inputs_err: Error for input_data, same shape with input_data. :type inputs_err: Union([NoneType, ndarray]) :return: prediction and prediction uncertainty :History: | 2018-Jan-06 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) | 2018-Apr-12 - Updated - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ self.has_model_check() if gpu_availability() is False and self.mc_num > 25: warnings.warn( f"You are using CPU version Tensorflow, doing {self.mc_num} times Monte Carlo Inference can " f"potentially be very slow! \n " f"A possible fix is to decrease the mc_num parameter of the model to do less MC Inference \n" f"This is just a warning, and will not shown if mc_num < 25 on CPU" ) if self.mc_num < 2: raise AttributeError("mc_num cannot be smaller than 2") # if no error array then just zeros if inputs_err is None: inputs_err = np.zeros_like(input_data) else: inputs_err = np.atleast_2d(inputs_err) inputs_err /= self.input_std["input"] # TODO: better way to handle named input if "input_err" in self.keras_model.input_names: input_data = {"input": input_data, "input_err": inputs_err} else: input_data = {"input": input_data} input_data = self.pre_testing_checklist_master(input_data) if self.input_normalizer is not None: input_array = self.input_normalizer.normalize(input_data, calc=False) else: # Prevent shallow copy issue input_array = np.array(input_data) input_array -= self.input_mean["input"] input_array /= self.input_std["input"] total_test_num = input_data["input"].shape[0] # Number of testing data if batch_size is None: batch_size = self.batch_size # for number of training data smaller than batch_size batch_size = np.min([total_test_num, batch_size]) # Due to the nature of how generator works, no overlapped prediction data_gen_shape = (total_test_num // batch_size) * batch_size remainder_shape = total_test_num - data_gen_shape # Remainder from generator norm_data_main = {} norm_data_remainder = {} for name in input_array.keys(): norm_data_main.update({name: input_array[name][:data_gen_shape]}) norm_data_remainder.update({name: input_array[name][data_gen_shape:]}) # Data Generator for prediction with tqdm(total=total_test_num, unit="sample") as pbar: pbar.set_postfix({"Monte-Carlo": self.mc_num}) pbar.set_description_str("Prediction progress: ") # suppress pfor warning from TF old_level = tf.get_logger().level tf.get_logger().setLevel("ERROR") prediction_generator = BayesianCNNPredDataGenerator( batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, steps_per_epoch=data_gen_shape // batch_size, data=[norm_data_main], pbar=pbar, ) new = FastMCInference(self.mc_num)(self.keras_model_predict) result = np.asarray(new.predict(prediction_generator, verbose=0)) if remainder_shape != 0: # deal with remainder remainder_generator = BayesianCNNPredDataGenerator( batch_size=remainder_shape, shuffle=False, steps_per_epoch=1, data=[norm_data_remainder], ) pbar.update(remainder_shape) remainder_result = np.asarray( new.predict(remainder_generator, verbose=0) ) if remainder_shape == 1: remainder_result = np.expand_dims(remainder_result, axis=0) result = np.concatenate((result, remainder_result)) tf.get_logger().setLevel(old_level) # in case only 1 test data point, in such case we need to add a dimension if result.ndim < 3 and batch_size == 1: result = np.expand_dims(result, axis=0) half_first_dim = ( result.shape[1] // 2 ) # result.shape[1] is guarantee an even number, otherwise sth is wrong predictions = result[:, :half_first_dim, 0] # mean prediction mc_dropout_uncertainty = result[:, :half_first_dim, 1] * ( self.labels_std["output"] ** 2 ) # model uncertainty predictions_var = np.exp(result[:, half_first_dim:, 0]) * ( self.labels_std["output"] ** 2 ) # predictive uncertainty if self.labels_normalizer is not None: predictions = self.labels_normalizer.denormalize( list_to_dict([self.keras_model.output_names[0]], predictions) ) predictions = predictions["output"] else: predictions *= self.labels_std["output"] predictions += self.labels_mean["output"] if self.task == "regression": # Predictive variance pred_var = ( predictions_var + mc_dropout_uncertainty ) # epistemic plus aleatoric uncertainty pred_uncertainty = np.sqrt(pred_var) # Convert back to std error # final correction from variance to standard derivation mc_dropout_uncertainty = np.sqrt(mc_dropout_uncertainty) predictive_uncertainty = np.sqrt(predictions_var) elif self.task == "classification": # we want entropy for classification uncertainty predicted_class = np.argmax(predictions, axis=1) mc_dropout_uncertainty = np.ones_like(predicted_class, dtype=float) predictive_uncertainty = np.ones_like(predicted_class, dtype=float) # center variance predictions_var -= 1.0 for i in range(predicted_class.shape[0]): all_prediction = np.array(predictions[i, :]) mc_dropout_uncertainty[i] = -np.sum( all_prediction * np.log(all_prediction) ) predictive_uncertainty[i] = predictions_var[i, predicted_class[i]] pred_uncertainty = mc_dropout_uncertainty + predictive_uncertainty # We only want the predicted class back predictions = predicted_class elif self.task == "binary_classification": # we want entropy for classification uncertainty, so need prediction in logits space mc_dropout_uncertainty = -np.sum(predictions * np.log(predictions), axis=0) # need to activate before round to int so that the prediction is always 0 or 1 predictions = np.rint(sigmoid(predictions)) predictive_uncertainty = predictions_var pred_uncertainty = mc_dropout_uncertainty + predictions_var else: raise AttributeError("Unknown Task") return predictions, { "total": pred_uncertainty, "model": mc_dropout_uncertainty, "predictive": predictive_uncertainty, }
def predict_dataset(self, file): class BayesianCNNPredDataGeneratorV2(GeneratorMaster): def __init__( self, batch_size, shuffle, steps_per_epoch, manual_reset=False, pbar=None, nn_model=None, ): super().__init__( batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=shuffle, steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch, data=None, manual_reset=manual_reset, ) self.pbar = pbar # initial idx self.idx_list = self._get_exploration_order(range(len(file))) self.current_idx = 0 self.nn_model = nn_model def _data_generation(self, idx_list_temp): # Generate data inputs = self.nn_model.input_normalizer.normalize( { "input": file[idx_list_temp], "input_err": np.zeros_like(file[idx_list_temp]), }, calc=False, ) x = self.input_d_checking(inputs, np.arange(len(idx_list_temp))) return x def __getitem__(self, index): x = self._data_generation( self.idx_list[ index * self.batch_size : (index + 1) * self.batch_size ] ) if self.pbar: self.pbar.update(self.batch_size) return x def on_epoch_end(self): # shuffle the list when epoch ends for the next epoch self.idx_list = self._get_exploration_order(range(len(file))) self.has_model_check() if gpu_availability() is False and self.mc_num > 25: warnings.warn( f"You are using CPU version Tensorflow, doing {self.mc_num} times Monte Carlo Inference can " f"potentially be very slow! \n " f"A possible fix is to decrease the mc_num parameter of the model to do less MC Inference \n" f"This is just a warning, and will not shown if mc_num < 25 on CPU" ) if self.mc_num < 2: raise AttributeError("mc_num cannot be smaller than 2") total_test_num = len(file) # Number of testing data # for number of training data smaller than batch_size if total_test_num < self.batch_size: batch_size = total_test_num else: batch_size = self.batch_size # Due to the nature of how generator works, no overlapped prediction data_gen_shape = (total_test_num // batch_size) * batch_size remainder_shape = total_test_num - data_gen_shape # Remainder from generator # Data Generator for prediction with tqdm(total=total_test_num, unit="sample") as pbar: pbar.set_postfix({"Monte-Carlo": self.mc_num}) # suppress pfor warning from TF old_level = tf.get_logger().level tf.get_logger().setLevel("ERROR") prediction_generator = BayesianCNNPredDataGeneratorV2( batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, steps_per_epoch=data_gen_shape // batch_size, pbar=pbar, nn_model=self, ) new = FastMCInference(self.mc_num)(self.keras_model_predict) result = np.asarray(new.predict(prediction_generator)) if remainder_shape != 0: # deal with remainder remainder_generator = BayesianCNNPredDataGeneratorV2( batch_size=remainder_shape, shuffle=False, steps_per_epoch=1, pbar=pbar, nn_model=self, ) remainder_result = np.asarray(new.predict(remainder_generator)) if remainder_shape == 1: remainder_result = np.expand_dims(remainder_result, axis=0) result = np.concatenate((result, remainder_result)) tf.get_logger().setLevel(old_level) # in case only 1 test data point, in such case we need to add a dimension if result.ndim < 3 and batch_size == 1: result = np.expand_dims(result, axis=0) half_first_dim = ( result.shape[1] // 2 ) # result.shape[1] is guarantee an even number, otherwise sth is wrong predictions = result[:, :half_first_dim, 0] # mean prediction mc_dropout_uncertainty = result[:, :half_first_dim, 1] * ( self.labels_std["output"] ** 2 ) # model uncertainty predictions_var = np.exp(result[:, half_first_dim:, 0]) * ( self.labels_std["output"] ** 2 ) # predictive uncertainty if self.labels_normalizer is not None: predictions = self.labels_normalizer.denormalize( list_to_dict([self.keras_model.output_names[0]], predictions) ) predictions = predictions["output"] else: predictions *= self.labels_std["output"] predictions += self.labels_mean["output"] if self.task == "regression": # Predictive variance pred_var = ( predictions_var + mc_dropout_uncertainty ) # epistemic plus aleatoric uncertainty pred_uncertainty = np.sqrt(pred_var) # Convert back to std error # final correction from variance to standard derivation mc_dropout_uncertainty = np.sqrt(mc_dropout_uncertainty) predictive_uncertainty = np.sqrt(predictions_var) elif self.task == "classification": # we want entropy for classification uncertainty predicted_class = np.argmax(predictions, axis=1) mc_dropout_uncertainty = np.ones_like(predicted_class, dtype=float) predictive_uncertainty = np.ones_like(predicted_class, dtype=float) # center variance predictions_var -= 1.0 for i in range(predicted_class.shape[0]): all_prediction = np.array(predictions[i, :]) mc_dropout_uncertainty[i] = -np.sum( all_prediction * np.log(all_prediction) ) predictive_uncertainty[i] = predictions_var[i, predicted_class[i]] pred_uncertainty = mc_dropout_uncertainty + predictive_uncertainty # We only want the predicted class back predictions = predicted_class elif self.task == "binary_classification": # we want entropy for classification uncertainty, so need prediction in logits space mc_dropout_uncertainty = -np.sum(predictions * np.log(predictions), axis=0) # need to activate before round to int so that the prediction is always 0 or 1 predictions = np.rint(sigmoid(predictions)) predictive_uncertainty = predictions_var pred_uncertainty = mc_dropout_uncertainty + predictions_var else: raise AttributeError("Unknown Task") return predictions, { "total": pred_uncertainty, "model": mc_dropout_uncertainty, "predictive": predictive_uncertainty, }
[docs] def evaluate( self, input_data, labels, inputs_err=None, labels_err=None, batch_size=None ): """ Evaluate neural network by provided input data and labels and get back a metrics score :param input_data: Data to be trained with neural network :type input_data: ndarray :param labels: Labels to be trained with neural network :type labels: ndarray :param inputs_err: Error for input_data (if any), same shape with input_data. :type inputs_err: Union([NoneType, ndarray]) :param labels_err: Labels error (if any) :type labels_err: Union([NoneType, ndarray]) :return: metrics score dictionary :rtype: dict :History: 2018-May-20 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ self.has_model_check() if inputs_err is None: inputs_err = np.zeros_like(input_data) if labels_err is None: labels_err = np.zeros_like(labels) input_data = {"input": input_data} labels = {"output": labels} # check if exists (existing means the model has already been trained (e.g. fine-tuning), so we do not need calculate mean/std again) if self.input_normalizer is None: self.input_normalizer = Normalizer( mode=self.input_norm_mode, verbose=self.verbose ) self.labels_normalizer = Normalizer( mode=self.labels_norm_mode, verbose=self.verbose ) norm_data = self.input_normalizer.normalize(input_data) self.input_mean, self.input_std = ( self.input_normalizer.mean_labels, self.input_normalizer.std_labels, ) norm_labels = self.labels_normalizer.normalize(labels) self.labels_mean, self.labels_std = ( self.labels_normalizer.mean_labels, self.labels_normalizer.std_labels, ) else: norm_data = self.input_normalizer.normalize(input_data, calc=False) norm_labels = self.labels_normalizer.normalize(labels, calc=False) # No need to care about Magic number as loss function looks for magic num in y_true only norm_input_err = inputs_err / self.input_std["input"] norm_labels_err = labels_err / self.labels_std["output"] if "input_err" in self.keras_model.input_names: norm_data.update( {"input_err": norm_input_err, "labels_err": norm_labels_err} ) else: norm_data.update({"labels_err": norm_labels_err}) norm_labels.update({"variance_output": norm_labels["output"]}) total_num = input_data["input"].shape[0] if batch_size is None: batch_size = self.batch_size batch_size = np.min([total_num, batch_size]) steps = total_num // self.batch_size if total_num > self.batch_size else 1 start_time = time.time() print("Starting Evaluation") # suppress pfor warning from TF old_level = tf.get_logger().level tf.get_logger().setLevel("ERROR") evaluate_generator = BayesianCNNDataGenerator( batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, steps_per_epoch=steps, data=[norm_data, norm_labels], ) scores = self.keras_model.evaluate(evaluate_generator) tf.get_logger().setLevel(old_level) if isinstance(scores, float): # make sure scores is iterable scores = list(str(scores)) outputname = self.keras_model.output_names funcname = self.keras_model.metrics_names print(f"Completed Evaluation, {(time.time() - start_time):.{2}f}s elapsed") return list_to_dict(funcname, scores)
@deprecated_copy_signature(fit) def train(self, *args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs) @deprecated_copy_signature(fit_on_batch) def train_on_batch(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.fit_on_batch(*args, **kwargs) @deprecated_copy_signature(predict) def test(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.predict(*args, **kwargs)