Source code for astroNN.apogee.downloader

# ---------------------------------------------------------#
#   astroNN.apogee.downloader: download apogee files
# ---------------------------------------------------------#

import getpass
import os
import urllib.request, urllib.error
import warnings

import numpy as np
from astroNN.apogee.apogee_shared import apogee_env, apogee_default_dr
from astroNN.shared.downloader_tools import TqdmUpTo, filehash
from import fits
from astroNN.shared import logging as logging

currentdir = os.getcwd()

# global var
warning_flag = False
__apogee_credentials_username = None
__apogee_credentials_pw = None

def __apogee_credentials_downloader(url, fullfilename):
    Download file at the URL with apogee credentials, this function will prompt for username and password

    :param url: URL
    :type url: str
    :param fullfilename: Full file name including path in local system
    :type fullfilename: str
    :return: None
    :History: 2018-Aug-31 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)
    passman = urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
    global __apogee_credentials_username
    global __apogee_credentials_pw
    if __apogee_credentials_username is None:
            "\nYou are trying to access APOGEE proprietary data...Please provide username and password..."
        __apogee_credentials_username = input("Username: ")
        __apogee_credentials_pw = getpass.getpass("Password: ")
        None, url, __apogee_credentials_username, __apogee_credentials_pw
    authhandler = urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman)
    opener = urllib.request.build_opener(authhandler)
    # Check if directory exists
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(fullfilename)):
        with TqdmUpTo(
            unit="B", unit_scale=True, miniters=1, desc=url.split("/")[-1]
        ) as t:
            urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, fullfilename, reporthook=t.update_to)
    except urllib.error.HTTPError as emsg:
        if "401" in str(emsg):
            __apogee_credentials_username = None
            __apogee_credentials_pw = None
            raise ConnectionError("Wrong username or password")
        elif "404" in str(emsg):
            warnings.warn(f"{url} cannot be found on server, skipped")
            fullfilename = warning_flag
            # don't raise error, so a batch downloading script will keep running despite some files not found
            warnings.warn(f"Unknown error occurred - {emsg}", RuntimeWarning)
            fullfilename = warning_flag

    return fullfilename

[docs]def allstar(dr=None, flag=None): """ Download the allStar file (catalog of ASPCAP stellar parameters and abundances from combined spectra) :param dr: APOGEE DR :type dr: int :param flag: 0: normal, 1: force to re-download :type flag: int :return: full file path and download in background if not found locally, False if cannot be found on server :rtype: str :History: 2017-Oct-09 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ dr = apogee_default_dr(dr=dr) if dr == 13: file_hash = "1718723ada3018de94e1022cd57d4d950a74f91f" # Check if directory exists fullfoldername = os.path.join( apogee_env(), "dr13/apogee/spectro/redux/r6/stars/l30e/l30e.2/" ) if not os.path.exists(fullfoldername): os.makedirs(fullfoldername) filename = "allStar-l30e.2.fits" fullfilename = os.path.join(fullfoldername, filename) url = f"{filename}" elif dr == 14: file_hash = "a7e1801924661954da792e377ad54f412219b105" fullfoldername = os.path.join( apogee_env(), "dr14/apogee/spectro/redux/r8/stars/l31c/l31c.2/" ) # Check if directory exists if not os.path.exists(fullfoldername): os.makedirs(fullfoldername) filename = "allStar-l31c.2.fits" fullfilename = os.path.join(fullfoldername, filename) url = f"{filename}" elif dr == 16: file_hash = "66fe854bd000ca1c0a6b50a998877e4a3e41d184" fullfoldername = os.path.join( apogee_env(), "dr16/apogee/spectro/aspcap/r12/l33/" ) # Check if directory exists if not os.path.exists(fullfoldername): os.makedirs(fullfoldername) filename = "allStar-r12-l33.fits" fullfilename = os.path.join(fullfoldername, filename) url = f"{filename}" elif dr == 17: file_hash = "7aa2f381de0e8e246f9833cc7da540ef45096702" fullfoldername = os.path.join( apogee_env(), "dr17/apogee/spectro/aspcap/dr17/synspec_rev1/" ) # Check if directory exists if not os.path.exists(fullfoldername): os.makedirs(fullfoldername) filename = "allStar-dr17-synspec_rev1.fits" fullfilename = os.path.join(fullfoldername, filename) url = f"{filename}" else: raise ValueError("allstar() only supports APOGEE DR13-DR17") # check file integrity if os.path.isfile(fullfilename) and flag is None: checksum = filehash(fullfilename, algorithm="sha1") if checksum != file_hash.lower(): warnings.warn( "File corruption detected, astroNN is attempting to download again" ) allstar(dr=dr, flag=1) else: + " was found!") # Check if files exists if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(fullfoldername, filename)) or flag == 1: with TqdmUpTo( unit="B", unit_scale=True, miniters=1, desc=url.split("/")[-1] ) as t: try: urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, fullfilename, reporthook=t.update_to) f"Downloaded DR{dr:d} allStar file catalog successfully to {fullfilename}" ) checksum = filehash(fullfilename, algorithm="sha1") if checksum != file_hash.lower(): warnings.warn( "File corruption detected, astroNN is attempting to download again" ) allstar(dr=dr, flag=1) except urllib.error.HTTPError as emsg: if "401" in str(emsg): fullfilename = __apogee_credentials_downloader(url, fullfilename) elif "404" in str(emsg): warnings.warn(f"{url} cannot be found on server, skipped") fullfilename = warning_flag else: warnings.warn(f"Unknown error occurred - {emsg}") fullfilename = warning_flag return fullfilename
[docs]def apogee_astronn(dr=None, flag=None): """ Download the apogee_astroNN file (catalog of astroNN stellar parameters, abundances, distances and orbital parameters from combined spectra) :param dr: APOGEE DR :type dr: int :param flag: 0: normal, 1: force to re-download :type flag: int :return: full file path and download in background if not found locally, False if cannot be found on server :rtype: str :History: 2019-Dec-10 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ dr = apogee_default_dr(dr=dr) if dr == 16: # Check if directory exists fullfoldername = os.path.join(apogee_env(), "dr16/apogee/vac/apogee-astronn/") # Check if directory exists if not os.path.exists(fullfoldername): os.makedirs(fullfoldername) filename = "apogee_astroNN-DR16-v1.fits" fullfilename = os.path.join(fullfoldername, filename) file_hash = "1b81ed13eef36fe9a327a05f4a622246522199b2" url = f"{filename}" elif dr == 17: # Check if directory exists fullfoldername = os.path.join(apogee_env(), "dr17/apogee/vac/apogee-astronn/") # Check if directory exists if not os.path.exists(fullfoldername): os.makedirs(fullfoldername) filename = "apogee_astroNN-DR17.fits" fullfilename = os.path.join(fullfoldername, filename) file_hash = "c422b9adba840b3415af2fe6dec6500219f1b68f" url = f"{filename}" else: raise ValueError("apogee_astroNN() only supports APOGEE DR16-DR17") # check file integrity if os.path.isfile(fullfilename) and flag is None: checksum = filehash(fullfilename, algorithm="sha1") if checksum != file_hash.lower(): warnings.warn( "File corruption detected, astroNN is attempting to download again" ) apogee_astronn(dr=dr, flag=1) else: + " was found!") # Check if files exists if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(fullfoldername, filename)) or flag == 1: with TqdmUpTo( unit="B", unit_scale=True, miniters=1, desc=url.split("/")[-1] ) as t: try: urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, fullfilename, reporthook=t.update_to) f"Downloaded DR{dr:d} apogee_astroNN file catalog successfully to {fullfilename}" ) checksum = filehash(fullfilename, algorithm="sha1") if checksum != file_hash.lower(): warnings.warn( "File corruption detected, astroNN is attempting to download again" ) apogee_astronn(dr=dr, flag=1) except urllib.error.HTTPError as emsg: if "401" in str(emsg): fullfilename = __apogee_credentials_downloader(url, fullfilename) elif "404" in str(emsg): warnings.warn(f"{url} cannot be found on server, skipped") fullfilename = warning_flag else: warnings.warn(f"Unknown error occurred - {emsg}") fullfilename = warning_flag return fullfilename
[docs]def allstar_cannon(dr=None, flag=None): """ Download the allStarCannon file (catalog of Cannon stellar parameters and abundances from combined spectra) :param dr: APOGEE DR :type dr: int :param flag: 0: normal, 1: force to re-download :type flag: int :return: full file path and download in background if not found locally, False if cannot be found on server :rtype: str :History: 2017-Oct-24 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ dr = apogee_default_dr(dr=dr) if dr == 14: # Check if directory exists fullfoldername = os.path.join( apogee_env(), "dr14/apogee/spectro/redux/r8/stars/l31c/l31c.2/cannon/" ) # Check if directory exists if not os.path.exists(fullfoldername): os.makedirs(fullfoldername) filename = "allStarCannon-l31c.2.fits" fullfilename = os.path.join(fullfoldername, filename) file_hash = "64d485e95b3504df0b795ab604e21a71d5c7ae45" url = f"{filename}" else: raise ValueError("allstar_cannon() only supports APOGEE DR14-DR15") # check file integrity if os.path.isfile(fullfilename) and flag is None: checksum = filehash(fullfilename, algorithm="sha1") if checksum != file_hash.lower(): warnings.warn( "File corruption detected, astroNN is attempting to download again" ) allstar_cannon(dr=dr, flag=1) else: + " was found!") # Check if files exists if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(fullfoldername, filename)) or flag == 1: with TqdmUpTo( unit="B", unit_scale=True, miniters=1, desc=url.split("/")[-1] ) as t: urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, fullfilename, reporthook=t.update_to) f"Downloaded DR{dr:d} allStarCannon file catalog successfully to {fullfilename}" ) checksum = filehash(fullfilename, algorithm="sha1") if checksum != file_hash.lower(): warnings.warn( "File corruption detected, astroNN is attempting to download again" ) allstar_cannon(dr=dr, flag=1) return fullfilename
[docs]def allvisit(dr=None, flag=None): """ Download the allVisit file (catalog of properties from individual visit spectra) :param dr: APOGEE DR :type dr: int :param flag: 0: normal, 1: force to re-download :type flag: int :return: full file path and download in background if not found locally, False if cannot be found on server :rtype: str :History: 2017-Oct-11 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ dr = apogee_default_dr(dr=dr) if dr == 13: file_hash = "2a3b13ccd40a2c8aea8321be9630117922d55b51" # Check if directory exists fullfilepath = os.path.join(apogee_env(), "dr13/apogee/spectro/redux/r6/") if not os.path.exists(fullfilepath): os.makedirs(fullfilepath) filename = "allVisit-l30e.2.fits" fullfilename = os.path.join(fullfilepath, filename) url = f"{filename}" elif dr == 14: file_hash = "abcecbcdc5fe8d00779738702c115633811e6bbd" # Check if directory exists fullfilepath = os.path.join(apogee_env(), "dr14/apogee/spectro/redux/r8/") if not os.path.exists(fullfilepath): os.makedirs(fullfilepath) filename = "allVisit-l31c.2.fits" fullfilename = os.path.join(fullfilepath, filename) url = f"{filename}" elif dr == 16: file_hash = "65befb967d8d9d6f4f87711c1fa8d0ac014b62da" # Check if directory exists fullfilepath = os.path.join(apogee_env(), "dr16/apogee/spectro/aspcap/r12/l33/") if not os.path.exists(fullfilepath): os.makedirs(fullfilepath) filename = "allVisit-r12-l33.fits" fullfilename = os.path.join(fullfilepath, filename) url = f"{filename}" elif dr == 17: file_hash = "fb2f5ecbabbe156f8ec37b420e095f3ba8323cc6" # Check if directory exists fullfilepath = os.path.join( apogee_env(), "dr17/apogee/spectro/aspcap/dr17/synspec_rev1/" ) if not os.path.exists(fullfilepath): os.makedirs(fullfilepath) filename = "allVisit-dr17-synspec_rev1.fits" fullfilename = os.path.join(fullfilepath, filename) url = f"{filename}" else: raise ValueError("allvisit() only supports APOGEE DR13-DR17") # check file integrity if os.path.isfile(fullfilename) and flag is None: checksum = filehash(fullfilename, algorithm="sha1") if checksum != file_hash.lower(): warnings.warn( "File corruption detected, astroNN is attempting to download again" ) allvisit(dr=dr, flag=1) else: + " was found!") elif not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(fullfilepath, filename)) or flag == 1: with TqdmUpTo( unit="B", unit_scale=True, miniters=1, desc=url.split("/")[-1] ) as t: urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, fullfilename, reporthook=t.update_to) f"Downloaded DR{dr:d} allVisit file catalog successfully to {fullfilepath}" ) checksum = filehash(fullfilename, algorithm="sha1") if checksum != file_hash.lower(): warnings.warn( "File corruption detected, astroNN is attempting to download again" ) allvisit(dr=dr, flag=1) return fullfilename
[docs]def combined_spectra( dr=None, location=None, field=None, apogee=None, telescope=None, verbose=1, flag=None, ): """ Download the required combined spectra file a.k.a aspcapStar :param dr: APOGEE DR :type dr: int :param location: Location ID [Optional] :type location: int :param field: Field [Optional] :type field: str :param apogee: Apogee ID :type apogee: str :param telescope: Telescope ID, for example 'apo25m' or 'lco25m' :type telescope: str :param verbose: verbose, set 0 to silent most logging :type verbose: int :param flag: 0: normal, 1: force to re-download :type flag: int :return: full file path and download in background if not found locally, False if cannot be found on server :rtype: str :History: | 2017-Oct-15 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) | 2018-Aug-31 - Updated - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ dr = apogee_default_dr(dr=dr) # for DR16=<, location is expected to be none because field is used if (location is None and dr < 16) or ( field is None and dr >= 16 ): # try to load info if not enough info global _ALLSTAR_TEMP if not str(f"dr{dr}") in _ALLSTAR_TEMP: _ALLSTAR_TEMP[f"dr{dr}"] = fits.getdata(allstar(dr=dr)) if telescope is None: matched_idx = [ np.nonzero(_ALLSTAR_TEMP[f"dr{dr}"]["APOGEE_ID"] == apogee)[0] ][0] else: matched_idx = [ np.nonzero( [ (_ALLSTAR_TEMP[f"dr{dr}"]["APOGEE_ID"] == apogee) & (_ALLSTAR_TEMP[f"dr{dr}"]["TELESCOPE"] == telescope) ] ) ][0][1] if len(matched_idx) == 0: raise ValueError( f"No entry found in allstar DR{dr} met with your requirement!!" ) location = ( _ALLSTAR_TEMP[f"dr{dr}"]["LOCATION_ID"][matched_idx][0] if not location else location ) field = ( _ALLSTAR_TEMP[f"dr{dr}"]["FIELD"][matched_idx][0] if not field else field ) telescope = ( _ALLSTAR_TEMP[f"dr{dr}"]["TELESCOPE"][matched_idx][0] if not telescope else telescope ) if dr == 13: reduce_prefix = "r6" aspcap_code = "l30e" str1 = f"{dr}/apogee/spectro/redux/{reduce_prefix}/stars/{aspcap_code}/{aspcap_code}.2/{location}/" filename = f"aspcapStar-{reduce_prefix}-{aspcap_code}.2-{apogee}.fits" hash_filename = f"stars_{aspcap_code}_{aspcap_code}.2_{location}.sha1sum" urlstr = str1 + filename # check folder existence fullfoldername = os.path.join( apogee_env(), f"dr{dr}/apogee/spectro/redux/{reduce_prefix}/stars/{aspcap_code}/{aspcap_code}.2/", str(location), ) if not os.path.exists(fullfoldername): os.makedirs(fullfoldername) fullfilename = os.path.join(fullfoldername, filename) elif dr == 14: reduce_prefix = "r8" aspcap_code = "l31c" str1 = f"{dr}/apogee/spectro/redux/{reduce_prefix}/stars/{aspcap_code}/{aspcap_code}.2/{location}/" filename = f"aspcapStar-{reduce_prefix}-{aspcap_code}.2-{apogee}.fits" hash_filename = f"stars_{aspcap_code}_{aspcap_code}.2_{location}.sha1sum" urlstr = str1 + filename # check folder existence fullfoldername = os.path.join( apogee_env(), f"dr{dr}/apogee/spectro/redux/{reduce_prefix}/stars/{aspcap_code}/{aspcap_code}.2/", str(location), ) if not os.path.exists(fullfoldername): os.makedirs(fullfoldername) fullfilename = os.path.join(fullfoldername, filename) elif dr == 16: reduce_prefix = "r12" aspcap_code = "l33" str1 = f"{reduce_prefix}/{aspcap_code}/{telescope}/{field}/" filename = f"aspcapStar-{reduce_prefix}-{apogee}.fits" hash_filename = f"{reduce_prefix}_{aspcap_code}_{telescope}_{field}.sha1sum" urlstr = str1 + filename # check folder existence fullfoldername = os.path.join( apogee_env(), f"dr{dr}/apogee/spectro/aspcap/{reduce_prefix}/{aspcap_code}/{telescope}", str(f"{field}"), ) if not os.path.exists(fullfoldername): os.makedirs(fullfoldername) fullfilename = os.path.join(fullfoldername, filename) elif dr == 17: reduce_prefix = "dr17" aspcap_code = "synspec_rev1" str1 = f"{reduce_prefix}/{aspcap_code}/{telescope}/{field}/" filename = f"aspcapStar-{reduce_prefix}-{apogee}.fits" if telescope == "lco25m": # syncspec_rev1 only affected lco25m hash_filename = f"{reduce_prefix}_{aspcap_code}_{telescope}_{field}.sha1sum" else: hash_filename = ( f"{reduce_prefix}_{aspcap_code[:7]}_{telescope}_{field}.sha1sum" ) urlstr = str1 + filename # check folder existence fullfoldername = os.path.join( apogee_env(), f"dr{dr}/apogee/spectro/aspcap/{reduce_prefix}/{aspcap_code}/{telescope}", str(f"{field}"), ) if not os.path.exists(fullfoldername): os.makedirs(fullfoldername) fullfilename = os.path.join(fullfoldername, filename) else: raise ValueError("combined_spectra() only supports APOGEE DR13-DR17") # check hash file full_hash_filename = os.path.join(fullfoldername, hash_filename) if not os.path.isfile(full_hash_filename): # return warning flag if the location_id cannot even be found try: urllib.request.urlopen(str1) except urllib.error.HTTPError: return warning_flag urllib.request.urlretrieve(str1 + hash_filename, full_hash_filename) hash_list = np.loadtxt(full_hash_filename, dtype="str").T # In some rare case, the hash cant be found, so during checking, check len(file_has)!=0 too file_hash = hash_list[0][np.argwhere(hash_list[1] == filename)] if os.path.isfile(fullfilename) and flag is None: checksum = filehash(fullfilename, algorithm="sha1") if checksum != file_hash and len(file_hash) != 0: warnings.warn( "File corruption detected, astroNN is attempting to download again" ) combined_spectra( dr=dr, location=location, apogee=apogee, verbose=verbose, flag=1 ) if verbose == 1: + " was found!") elif not os.path.isfile(fullfilename) or flag == 1: try: urllib.request.urlretrieve(urlstr, fullfilename) f"Downloaded DR{dr} combined file successfully to {fullfilename}" ) checksum = filehash(fullfilename, algorithm="sha1") if checksum != file_hash and len(file_hash) != 0: warnings.warn( "File corruption detected, astroNN is attempting to download again" ) combined_spectra( dr=dr, location=location, apogee=apogee, verbose=verbose, flag=1 ) except urllib.error.HTTPError as emsg: if "401" in str(emsg): fullfilename = __apogee_credentials_downloader(urlstr, fullfilename) elif "404" in str(emsg): warnings.warn(f"{urlstr} cannot be found on server, skipped") fullfilename = warning_flag else: warnings.warn(f"Unknown error occurred - {emsg}") fullfilename = warning_flag return fullfilename
[docs]def visit_spectra( dr=None, location=None, field=None, apogee=None, telescope=None, verbose=1, flag=None, commission=False, ): """ Download the required individual spectra file a.k.a apStar or asStar :param dr: APOGEE DR :type dr: int :param location: Location ID [Optional] :type location: int :param field: Field [Optional] :type field: str :param apogee: Apogee ID :type apogee: str :param telescope: Telescope ID, for example 'apo25m' or 'lco25m' :type telescope: str :param verbose: verbose, set 0 to silent most logging :type verbose: int :param flag: 0: normal, 1: force to re-download :type flag: int :param commission: whether the spectra is taken during commissioning :type commission: bool :return: full file path and download in background if not found locally, False if cannot be found on server :rtype: str :History: | 2017-Nov-11 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) | 2018-Aug-31 - Updated - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ dr = apogee_default_dr(dr=dr) # for DR16=<, location is expected to be none because field is used if (location is None and dr < 16) or ( field is None and dr >= 16 ): # try to load info if not enough info global _ALLSTAR_TEMP if not str(f"dr{dr}") in _ALLSTAR_TEMP: _ALLSTAR_TEMP[f"dr{dr}"] = fits.getdata(allstar(dr=dr)) if telescope is None: matched_idx = [ np.nonzero(_ALLSTAR_TEMP[f"dr{dr}"]["APOGEE_ID"] == apogee)[0] ][0] else: matched_idx = [ np.nonzero( [ (_ALLSTAR_TEMP[f"dr{dr}"]["APOGEE_ID"] == apogee) & (_ALLSTAR_TEMP[f"dr{dr}"]["TELESCOPE"] == telescope) ] ) ][0][1] if len(matched_idx) == 0: raise ValueError( f"No entry found in allstar DR{dr} met with your requirement!!" ) location = ( _ALLSTAR_TEMP[f"dr{dr}"]["LOCATION_ID"][matched_idx][0] if not location else location ) field = ( _ALLSTAR_TEMP[f"dr{dr}"]["FIELD"][matched_idx][0] if not field else field ) telescope = ( _ALLSTAR_TEMP[f"dr{dr}"]["TELESCOPE"][matched_idx][0] if not telescope else telescope ) if dr == 13: reduce_prefix = "r6" str1 = f"{dr}/apogee/spectro/redux/{reduce_prefix}/stars/apo25m/{location}/" if commission: filename = f"apStarC-{reduce_prefix}-{apogee}.fits" else: filename = f"apStar-{reduce_prefix}-{apogee}.fits" urlstr = str1 + filename hash_filename = f"{reduce_prefix}_stars_apo25m_{location}.sha1sum" fullfoldername = os.path.join( apogee_env(), f"dr{dr}/apogee/spectro/redux/{reduce_prefix}/stars/apo25m/", str(location), ) if not os.path.exists(fullfoldername): os.makedirs(fullfoldername) elif dr == 14: reduce_prefix = "r8" str1 = f"{dr}/apogee/spectro/redux/{reduce_prefix}/stars/apo25m/{location}/" if commission: filename = f"apStarC-{reduce_prefix}-{apogee}.fits" else: filename = f"apStar-{reduce_prefix}-{apogee}.fits" urlstr = str1 + filename hash_filename = f"{reduce_prefix}_stars_apo25m_{location}.sha1sum" fullfoldername = os.path.join( apogee_env(), f"dr{dr}/apogee/spectro/redux/{reduce_prefix}/stars/apo25m/", str(location), ) if not os.path.exists(fullfoldername): os.makedirs(fullfoldername) elif dr == 16: reduce_prefix = "r12" str1 = f"{reduce_prefix}/stars/{telescope}/{field}/" if telescope == "lco25m": if commission: filename = f"asStarC-{reduce_prefix}-{apogee}.fits" else: filename = f"asStar-{reduce_prefix}-{apogee}.fits" else: if commission: filename = f"apStarC-{reduce_prefix}-{apogee}.fits" else: filename = f"apStar-{reduce_prefix}-{apogee}.fits" urlstr = str1 + filename hash_filename = f"{reduce_prefix}_stars_{telescope}_{field}.sha1sum" fullfoldername = os.path.join( apogee_env(), f"dr{dr}/apogee/spectro/redux/{reduce_prefix}/stars/{telescope}/", str(f"{field}"), ) if not os.path.exists(fullfoldername): os.makedirs(fullfoldername) elif dr == 17: reduce_prefix = "dr17" str1 = f"{reduce_prefix}/stars/{telescope}/{field}/" if telescope == "lco25m": if commission: filename = f"asStarC-{reduce_prefix}-{apogee}.fits" else: filename = f"asStar-{reduce_prefix}-{apogee}.fits" else: if commission: filename = f"apStarC-{reduce_prefix}-{apogee}.fits" else: filename = f"apStar-{reduce_prefix}-{apogee}.fits" urlstr = str1 + filename hash_filename = f"{reduce_prefix}_stars_{telescope}_{field}.sha1sum" fullfoldername = os.path.join( apogee_env(), f"dr{dr}/apogee/spectro/redux/{reduce_prefix}/stars/{telescope}/", str(f"{field}"), ) if not os.path.exists(fullfoldername): os.makedirs(fullfoldername) else: raise ValueError("visit_spectra() only supports APOGEE DR13-DR17") # check hash file full_hash_filename = os.path.join(fullfoldername, hash_filename) if not os.path.isfile(full_hash_filename): # return warning flag if the location_id cannot even be found try: urllib.request.urlopen(str1) except urllib.error.HTTPError: return warning_flag urllib.request.urlretrieve(str1 + hash_filename, full_hash_filename) hash_list = np.loadtxt(full_hash_filename, dtype="str").T fullfilename = os.path.join(fullfoldername, filename) # In some rare case, the hash cant be found, so during checking, check len(file_has)!=0 too # visit spectra has a different filename in checksum # handle the case where apogee_id cannot be found hash_idx = [ i for i, item in enumerate(hash_list[1]) if f"apStar-{reduce_prefix}-{apogee}" in item ] file_hash = hash_list[0][hash_idx] if os.path.isfile(fullfilename) and flag is None: checksum = filehash(fullfilename, algorithm="sha1") if checksum != file_hash and len(file_hash) != 0: warnings.warn( "File corruption detected, astroNN is attempting to download again" ) visit_spectra( dr=dr, location=location, apogee=apogee, verbose=verbose, flag=1 ) if verbose: + " was found!") elif not os.path.isfile(fullfilename) or flag == 1: try: urllib.request.urlretrieve(urlstr, fullfilename) f"Downloaded DR{dr} individual visit file successfully to {fullfilename}" ) checksum = filehash(fullfilename, algorithm="sha1") if checksum != file_hash and len(file_hash) != 0: warnings.warn( "File corruption detected, astroNN is attempting to download again" ) visit_spectra( dr=dr, location=location, apogee=apogee, verbose=verbose, flag=1 ) except urllib.error.HTTPError as emsg: if "401" in str(emsg): fullfilename = __apogee_credentials_downloader(urlstr, fullfilename) elif "404" in str(emsg): warnings.warn(f"{urlstr} cannot be found on server, skipped") fullfilename = warning_flag else: warnings.warn(f"Unknown error occurred - {emsg}") fullfilename = warning_flag return fullfilename
def apogee_rc(dr=None, flag=None): """ Download the APOGEE red clumps catalogue :param dr: Apogee DR :type dr: int :param flag: Force to download if flag=1 :type flag: int :return: full file path :rtype: str :History: 2017-Nov-16 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ dr = apogee_default_dr(dr=dr) if dr == 13: file_hash = "5e87eb3ba202f9db24216978dafb19d39d382fc6" str1 = "" filename = f"apogee-rc-DR{dr}.fits" urlstr = str1 + filename fullfoldername = os.path.join(apogee_env(), "dr13/apogee/vac/apogee-rc/cat/") if not os.path.exists(fullfoldername): os.makedirs(fullfoldername) fullfilename = os.path.join(fullfoldername, filename) elif dr == 14: file_hash = "104513070f1c280954f3d1886cac429dbdf2eaf6" str1 = "" filename = f"apogee-rc-DR{dr}.fits" urlstr = str1 + filename fullfoldername = os.path.join(apogee_env(), "dr14/apogee/vac/apogee-rc/cat/") if not os.path.exists(fullfoldername): os.makedirs(fullfoldername) fullfilename = os.path.join(fullfoldername, filename) elif dr == 16: file_hash = "0bc75a230058f50ed8a5ea3fa8554d803ffc103d" str1 = "" filename = f"apogee-rc-DR{dr}.fits" urlstr = str1 + filename fullfoldername = os.path.join(apogee_env(), "dr16/apogee/vac/apogee-rc/cat/") if not os.path.exists(fullfoldername): os.makedirs(fullfoldername) fullfilename = os.path.join(fullfoldername, filename) elif dr == 17: file_hash = "491e854d6db6b828554eda2b4b2e31365ccf65aa" str1 = "" filename = f"apogee-rc-DR{dr}.fits" urlstr = str1 + filename fullfoldername = os.path.join(apogee_env(), "dr17/apogee/vac/apogee-rc/cat/") if not os.path.exists(fullfoldername): os.makedirs(fullfoldername) fullfilename = os.path.join(fullfoldername, filename) else: raise ValueError("apogee_rc() only supports APOGEE DR13-DR17") # check file integrity if os.path.isfile(fullfilename) and flag is None: checksum = filehash(fullfilename, algorithm="sha1") if checksum != file_hash.lower(): warnings.warn( "File corruption detected, astroNN is attempting to download again" ) apogee_rc(dr=dr, flag=1) else: + " was found!") elif not os.path.isfile(fullfilename) or flag == 1: try: with TqdmUpTo( unit="B", unit_scale=True, miniters=1, desc=urlstr.split("/")[-1] ) as t: urllib.request.urlretrieve(urlstr, fullfilename, reporthook=t.update_to) f"Downloaded DR{dr} Red Clumps Catalog successfully to {fullfilename}" ) checksum = filehash(fullfilename, algorithm="sha1") if checksum != file_hash.lower(): warnings.warn( "File corruption detected, astroNN is attempting to download again" ) apogee_rc(dr=dr, flag=1) except urllib.error.HTTPError as emsg: if "401" in str(emsg): fullfilename = __apogee_credentials_downloader(urlstr, fullfilename) elif "404" in str(emsg): warnings.warn(f"{urlstr} cannot be found on server, skipped") fullfilename = warning_flag else: warnings.warn(f"Unknown error occurred - {emsg}") fullfilename = warning_flag return fullfilename
[docs]def apogee_distances(dr=None, flag=None): """ Download the APOGEE Distances VAC catalogue (APOGEE Distances for DR14, APOGEE Starhourse for DR16/17) :param dr: APOGEE DR :type dr: int :param flag: Force to download if flag=1 :type flag: int :return: full file path :rtype: str :History: | 2018-Jan-24 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) | 2021-Jan-29 - Updated - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ dr = apogee_default_dr(dr=dr) if dr == 14: file_hash = "b33c8419be784b1be3d14af3ee9696c6ac31830f" str1 = "" filename = f"apogee_distances-DR{dr}.fits" urlstr = str1 + filename fullfoldername = os.path.join(apogee_env(), "dr14/apogee/vac/apogee-distances/") if not os.path.exists(fullfoldername): os.makedirs(fullfoldername) fullfilename = os.path.join(fullfoldername, filename) if dr == 16: file_hash = "2502e2f7703046163f81ecc4054dce39b2038e4f" str1 = "" filename = f"apogee_starhorse-DR{dr}-v1.fits" urlstr = str1 + filename fullfoldername = os.path.join(apogee_env(), "dr16/apogee/vac/apogee-starhorse/") if not os.path.exists(fullfoldername): os.makedirs(fullfoldername) fullfilename = os.path.join(fullfoldername, filename) if dr == 17: file_hash = "2502e2f7703046163f81ecc4054dce39b2038e4f" str1 = "" filename = f"APOGEE_DR17_EDR3_STARHORSE_v2.fits" urlstr = str1 + filename fullfoldername = os.path.join(apogee_env(), "dr17/apogee/vac/apogee-starhorse/") if not os.path.exists(fullfoldername): os.makedirs(fullfoldername) fullfilename = os.path.join(fullfoldername, filename) else: raise ValueError("apogee_distances() only supports APOGEE DR14-DR17") # check file integrity if os.path.isfile(fullfilename) and flag is None: checksum = filehash(fullfilename, algorithm="sha1") if checksum != file_hash.lower(): warnings.warn( "File corruption detected, astroNN is attempting to download again" ) apogee_distances(dr=dr, flag=1) else: + " was found!") elif not os.path.isfile(fullfilename) or flag == 1: try: with TqdmUpTo( unit="B", unit_scale=True, miniters=1, desc=urlstr.split("/")[-1] ) as t: urllib.request.urlretrieve(urlstr, fullfilename, reporthook=t.update_to) f"Downloaded DR{dr} Distances successfully to {fullfilename}" ) checksum = filehash(fullfilename, algorithm="sha1") if checksum != file_hash.lower(): warnings.warn( "File corruption detected, astroNN is attempting to download again" ) apogee_distances(dr=dr, flag=1) except urllib.error.HTTPError: warnings.warn(f"{urlstr} cannot be found on server, skipped") fullfilename = warning_flag return fullfilename