Source code for astroNN.models.base_cnn

import json
import os
import time
from abc import ABC

import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from tensorflow import keras as tfk
from astroNN.config import MULTIPROCESS_FLAG
from astroNN.config import _astroNN_MODEL_NAME
from astroNN.models.base_master_nn import NeuralNetMaster
from astroNN.nn.callbacks import VirutalCSVLogger
from astroNN.nn.losses import categorical_crossentropy, binary_crossentropy
from astroNN.nn.losses import mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error, mean_error
from astroNN.nn.metrics import categorical_accuracy, binary_accuracy
from astroNN.nn.utilities import Normalizer
from astroNN.nn.utilities.generator import GeneratorMaster
from astroNN.shared.dict_tools import dict_np_to_dict_list, list_to_dict
from astroNN.shared.warnings import deprecated, deprecated_copy_signature
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

regularizers = tfk.regularizers
ReduceLROnPlateau, EarlyStopping = (
Adam = tfk.optimizers.Adam

class CNNDataGenerator(GeneratorMaster):
    To generate data to NN

    :param batch_size: batch size
    :type batch_size: int
    :param shuffle: Whether to shuffle batches or not
    :type shuffle: bool
    :param data: List of data to NN
    :type data: list
    :param manual_reset: Whether need to reset the generator manually, usually it is handled by tensorflow
    :type manual_reset: bool
    :param sample_weight: Sample weights (if any)
    :type sample_weight: Union([NoneType, ndarray])
        | 2017-Dec-02 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)
        | 2019-Feb-17 - Updated - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)

    def __init__(
        self.inputs =[0]
        self.labels =[1]
        self.sample_weight = sample_weight

        # initial idx
        self.idx_list = self._get_exploration_order(

    def _data_generation(self, idx_list_temp):
        x = self.input_d_checking(self.inputs, idx_list_temp)
        y = {}
        for name in self.labels.keys():
            y.update({name: self.labels[name][idx_list_temp]})
        if self.sample_weight is not None:
            return x, y, self.sample_weight[idx_list_temp]
            return x, y

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self._data_generation(
            self.idx_list[index * self.batch_size : (index + 1) * self.batch_size]

    def on_epoch_end(self):
        # shuffle the list when epoch ends for the next epoch
        self.idx_list = self._get_exploration_order(

class CNNPredDataGenerator(GeneratorMaster):
    To generate data to NN for prediction

    :param batch_size: batch size
    :type batch_size: int
    :param shuffle: Whether to shuffle batches or not
    :type shuffle: bool
    :param data: List of data to NN
    :type data: list
    :param manual_reset: Whether need to reset the generator manually, usually it is handled by tensorflow
    :type manual_reset: bool
    :param pbar: tqdm progress bar
    :type pbar: obj
        | 2017-Dec-02 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)
        | 2019-Feb-17 - Updated - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)

    def __init__(
        self, batch_size, shuffle, steps_per_epoch, data, manual_reset=False, pbar=None
        self.inputs =[0]
        self.pbar = pbar

        # initial idx
        self.idx_list = self._get_exploration_order(
        self.current_idx = -1

    def _data_generation(self, idx_list_temp):
        # Generate data
        x = self.input_d_checking(self.inputs, idx_list_temp)
        return x

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        x = self._data_generation(
            self.idx_list[index * self.batch_size : (index + 1) * self.batch_size]
        if self.pbar and index > self.current_idx:
        self.current_idx = index
        return x

    def on_epoch_end(self):
        # shuffle the list when epoch ends for the next epoch
        self.idx_list = self._get_exploration_order(
        # reset counter

[docs] class CNNBase(NeuralNetMaster, ABC): """Top-level class for a convolutional neural network""" def __init__(self): """ NAME: __init__ PURPOSE: To define astroNN convolutional neural network HISTORY: 2018-Jan-06 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ super().__init__() = "Convolutional Neural Network" self._model_type = "CNN" self._model_identifier = None self.initializer = None self.activation = None self._last_layer_activation = None self.num_filters = None self.filter_len = None self.pool_length = None self.num_hidden = None self.reduce_lr_epsilon = None self.reduce_lr_min = None self.reduce_lr_patience = None self.l1 = None self.l2 = None self.maxnorm = None self.dropout_rate = 0.0 self.val_size = 0.1 self.early_stopping_min_delta = 0.0001 self.early_stopping_patience = 4 self.input_norm_mode = 1 self.labels_norm_mode = 2 def compile( self, optimizer=None, loss=None, metrics=None, weighted_metrics=None, loss_weights=None, sample_weight_mode=None, ): if optimizer is not None: self.optimizer = optimizer elif self.optimizer is None or self.optimizer == "adam": self.optimizer = Adam(, beta_1=self.beta_1, beta_2=self.beta_2, epsilon=self.optimizer_epsilon, ) if metrics is not None: self.metrics = metrics if self.task == "regression": self._last_layer_activation = "linear" loss_func = mean_squared_error if not loss else loss self.metrics = ( [mean_absolute_error, mean_error] if not self.metrics else self.metrics ) elif self.task == "classification": self._last_layer_activation = "softmax" loss_func = categorical_crossentropy if not loss else loss self.metrics = [categorical_accuracy] if not self.metrics else self.metrics elif self.task == "binary_classification": self._last_layer_activation = "sigmoid" loss_func = binary_crossentropy if not loss else loss self.metrics = [binary_accuracy] if not self.metrics else self.metrics else: raise RuntimeError( 'Only "regression", "classification" and "binary_classification" are supported' ) self.keras_model = self.model() self.keras_model.compile( loss=loss_func, optimizer=self.optimizer, metrics=self.metrics, weighted_metrics=weighted_metrics, loss_weights=loss_weights, sample_weight_mode=sample_weight_mode, ) # inject custom training step if needed try: self.custom_train_step() except NotImplementedError: pass except TypeError: self.keras_model.train_step = self.custom_train_step # inject custom testing step if needed try: self.custom_test_step() except NotImplementedError: pass except TypeError: self.keras_model.test_step = self.custom_test_step return None
[docs] def recompile( self, loss=None, weighted_metrics=None, loss_weights=None, sample_weight_mode=None, ): """ To be used when you need to recompile a already existing model """ if self.task == "regression": self._last_layer_activation = "linear" loss_func = mean_squared_error if not loss else loss self.metrics = ( [mean_absolute_error, mean_error] if not self.metrics else self.metrics ) elif self.task == "classification": self._last_layer_activation = "softmax" loss_func = categorical_crossentropy if not loss else loss self.metrics = [categorical_accuracy] if not self.metrics else self.metrics elif self.task == "binary_classification": self._last_layer_activation = "sigmoid" loss_func = binary_crossentropy if not loss else loss self.metrics = [binary_accuracy] if not self.metrics else self.metrics else: raise RuntimeError( 'Only "regression", "classification" and "binary_classification" are supported' )
def pre_training_checklist_child(self, input_data, labels, sample_weight): # on top of checklist, convert input_data/labels to dict input_data, labels = self.pre_training_checklist_master(input_data, labels) # check if exists (existing means the model has already been trained (e.g. fine-tuning) # so we do not need calculate mean/std again) if self.input_normalizer is None: self.input_normalizer = Normalizer( mode=self.input_norm_mode, verbose=self.verbose ) self.labels_normalizer = Normalizer( mode=self.labels_norm_mode, verbose=self.verbose ) norm_data = self.input_normalizer.normalize(input_data) self.input_mean, self.input_std = ( self.input_normalizer.mean_labels, self.input_normalizer.std_labels, ) norm_labels = self.labels_normalizer.normalize(labels) self.labels_mean, self.labels_std = ( self.labels_normalizer.mean_labels, self.labels_normalizer.std_labels, ) else: norm_data = self.input_normalizer.normalize(input_data, calc=False) norm_labels = self.labels_normalizer.normalize(labels, calc=False) if ( self.keras_model is None ): # only compile if there is no keras_model, e.g. fine-tuning does not required self.compile() norm_data = self._tensor_dict_sanitize(norm_data, self.keras_model.input_names) norm_labels = self._tensor_dict_sanitize( norm_labels, self.keras_model.output_names ) if self.has_val: self.train_idx, self.val_idx = train_test_split( np.arange(self.num_train + self.val_num), test_size=self.val_size ) else: self.train_idx = np.arange(self.num_train + self.val_num) # just dummy, to minimize modification needed self.val_idx = np.arange(self.num_train + self.val_num)[:2] norm_data_training = {} norm_data_val = {} norm_labels_training = {} norm_labels_val = {} for name in norm_data.keys(): norm_data_training.update({name: norm_data[name][self.train_idx]}) norm_data_val.update({name: norm_data[name][self.val_idx]}) for name in norm_labels.keys(): norm_labels_training.update({name: norm_labels[name][self.train_idx]}) norm_labels_val.update({name: norm_labels[name][self.val_idx]}) if sample_weight is not None: sample_weight_training = sample_weight[self.train_idx] sample_weight_val = sample_weight[self.val_idx] else: sample_weight_training = None sample_weight_val = None self.training_generator = CNNDataGenerator( batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=True, steps_per_epoch=self.num_train // self.batch_size, data=[norm_data_training, norm_labels_training], manual_reset=False, sample_weight=sample_weight_training, ) if self.has_val: val_batchsize = ( self.batch_size if len(self.val_idx) > self.batch_size else len(self.val_idx) ) self.validation_generator = CNNDataGenerator( batch_size=val_batchsize, shuffle=False, steps_per_epoch=max(self.val_num // self.batch_size, 1), data=[norm_data_val, norm_labels_val], manual_reset=True, sample_weight=sample_weight_val, ) return input_data, labels
[docs] def fit(self, input_data, labels, sample_weight=None): """ Train a Convolutional neural network :param input_data: Data to be trained with neural network :type input_data: ndarray :param labels: Labels to be trained with neural network :type labels: ndarray :param sample_weight: Sample weights (if any) :type sample_weight: Union([NoneType, ndarray]) :return: None :rtype: NoneType :History: 2017-Dec-06 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ # Call the checklist to create astroNN folder and save parameters self.pre_training_checklist_child(input_data, labels, sample_weight) reduce_lr = ReduceLROnPlateau( monitor="val_loss", factor=0.5, min_delta=self.reduce_lr_epsilon, patience=self.reduce_lr_patience, min_lr=self.reduce_lr_min, mode="min", verbose=self.verbose, ) early_stopping = EarlyStopping( monitor="val_loss", min_delta=self.early_stopping_min_delta, patience=self.early_stopping_patience, verbose=2, mode="min", ) self.virtual_cvslogger = VirutalCSVLogger() self.__callbacks = [ reduce_lr, self.virtual_cvslogger, ] # default must have unchangeable callbacks if self.callbacks is not None: if isinstance(self.callbacks, list): self.__callbacks.extend(self.callbacks) else: self.__callbacks.append(self.callbacks) start_time = time.time() self.history = x=self.training_generator, validation_data=self.validation_generator, epochs=self.max_epochs, verbose=self.verbose, workers=os.cpu_count(), callbacks=self.__callbacks, use_multiprocessing=MULTIPROCESS_FLAG, ) print(f"Completed Training, {(time.time() - start_time):.{2}f}s in total") if self.autosave is True: # Call the post training checklist to save parameters return None
[docs] def fit_on_batch(self, input_data, labels, sample_weight=None): """ Train a neural network by running a single gradient update on all of your data, suitable for fine-tuning :param input_data: Data to be trained with neural network :type input_data: ndarray :param labels: Labels to be trained with neural network :type labels: ndarray :param sample_weight: Sample weights (if any) :type sample_weight: Union([NoneType, ndarray]) :return: None :rtype: NoneType :History: 2018-Aug-22 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ input_data, labels = self.pre_training_checklist_master(input_data, labels) # check if exists (existing means the model has already been trained (e.g. fine-tuning), # so we do not need calculate mean/std again) if self.input_normalizer is None: self.input_normalizer = Normalizer( mode=self.input_norm_mode, verbose=self.verbose ) self.labels_normalizer = Normalizer( mode=self.labels_norm_mode, verbose=self.verbose ) norm_data = self.input_normalizer.normalize(input_data) self.input_mean, self.input_std = ( self.input_normalizer.mean_labels, self.input_normalizer.std_labels, ) norm_labels = self.labels_normalizer.normalize(labels) self.labels_mean, self.labels_std = ( self.labels_normalizer.mean_labels, self.labels_normalizer.std_labels, ) else: norm_data = self.input_normalizer.normalize(input_data, calc=False) norm_labels = self.labels_normalizer.normalize(labels, calc=False) start_time = time.time() fit_generator = CNNDataGenerator( batch_size=input_data["input"].shape[0], shuffle=False, steps_per_epoch=1, data=[norm_data, norm_labels], sample_weight=sample_weight, ) scores = x=fit_generator, epochs=1, verbose=self.verbose, workers=os.cpu_count(), use_multiprocessing=MULTIPROCESS_FLAG, ) print( f"Completed Training on Batch, {(time.time() - start_time):.{2}f}s in total" ) return None
def post_training_checklist_child(self): + _astroNN_MODEL_NAME) print( _astroNN_MODEL_NAME + f" saved to {(self.fullfilepath + _astroNN_MODEL_NAME)}" ) self.hyper_txt.write(f"Dropout Rate: {self.dropout_rate} \n") self.hyper_txt.flush() self.hyper_txt.close() data = { "id": self.__class__.__name__ if self._model_identifier is None else self._model_identifier, "pool_length": self.pool_length, "filterlen": self.filter_len, "filternum": self.num_filters, "hidden": self.num_hidden, "input": self._input_shape, "labels": self._labels_shape, "task": self.task, "last_layer_activation": self._last_layer_activation, "activation": self.activation, "input_mean": dict_np_to_dict_list(self.input_mean), "labels_mean": dict_np_to_dict_list(self.labels_mean), "input_std": dict_np_to_dict_list(self.input_std), "labels_std": dict_np_to_dict_list(self.labels_std), "valsize": self.val_size, "targetname": self.targetname, "dropout_rate": self.dropout_rate, "l1": self.l1, "l2": self.l2, "maxnorm": self.maxnorm, "input_norm_mode": self.input_normalizer.normalization_mode, "labels_norm_mode": self.labels_normalizer.normalization_mode, "input_names": self.input_names, "output_names": self.output_names, "batch_size": self.batch_size, } with open(self.fullfilepath + "/astroNN_model_parameter.json", "w") as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
[docs] def predict(self, input_data): """ Use the neural network to do inference :param input_data: Data to be inferred with neural network :type input_data: ndarray :return: prediction and prediction uncertainty :rtype: ndarry :History: 2017-Dec-06 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ self.has_model_check() input_data = self.pre_testing_checklist_master(input_data) input_array = self.input_normalizer.normalize(input_data, calc=False) total_test_num = input_data["input"].shape[0] # Number of testing data # for number of training data smaller than batch_size if total_test_num < self.batch_size: self.batch_size = total_test_num # Due to the nature of how generator works, no overlapped prediction data_gen_shape = (total_test_num // self.batch_size) * self.batch_size remainder_shape = total_test_num - data_gen_shape # Remainder from generator # TODO: named output???? predictions = np.zeros((total_test_num, self._labels_shape["output"])) norm_data_main = {} norm_data_remainder = {} for name in input_array.keys(): norm_data_main.update({name: input_array[name][:data_gen_shape]}) norm_data_remainder.update({name: input_array[name][data_gen_shape:]}) norm_data_main = self._tensor_dict_sanitize( norm_data_main, self.keras_model.input_names ) norm_data_remainder = self._tensor_dict_sanitize( norm_data_remainder, self.keras_model.input_names ) # Data Generator for prediction with tqdm(total=total_test_num, unit="sample") as pbar: pbar.set_description_str("Prediction progress: ") prediction_generator = CNNPredDataGenerator( batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=False, steps_per_epoch=total_test_num // self.batch_size, data=[norm_data_main], pbar=pbar, ) predictions[:data_gen_shape] = np.asarray( self.keras_model.predict(prediction_generator, verbose=0) ) if remainder_shape != 0: remainder_generator = CNNPredDataGenerator( batch_size=remainder_shape, shuffle=False, steps_per_epoch=1, data=[norm_data_remainder], ) pbar.update(remainder_shape) predictions[data_gen_shape:] = np.asarray( self.keras_model.predict(remainder_generator, verbose=0) ) if self.labels_normalizer is not None: predictions = self.labels_normalizer.denormalize( list_to_dict(self.keras_model.output_names, predictions) ) else: predictions *= self.labels_std predictions += self.labels_mean return predictions["output"]
[docs] def evaluate(self, input_data, labels): """ Evaluate neural network by provided input data and labels and get back a metrics score :param input_data: Data to be inferred with neural network :type input_data: ndarray :param labels: labels :type labels: ndarray :return: metrics score dictionary :rtype: dict :History: 2018-May-20 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ self.has_model_check() input_data = list_to_dict(self.keras_model.input_names, input_data) labels = list_to_dict(self.keras_model.output_names, labels) # check if exists (existing means the model has already been trained (e.g. fine-tuning), so we do not need calculate mean/std again) if self.input_normalizer is None: self.input_normalizer = Normalizer( mode=self.input_norm_mode, verbose=self.verbose ) self.labels_normalizer = Normalizer( mode=self.labels_norm_mode, verbose=self.verbose ) norm_data = self.input_normalizer.normalize(input_data) self.input_mean, self.input_std = ( self.input_normalizer.mean_labels, self.input_normalizer.std_labels, ) norm_labels = self.labels_normalizer.normalize(labels) self.labels_mean, self.labels_std = ( self.labels_normalizer.mean_labels, self.labels_normalizer.std_labels, ) else: norm_data = self.input_normalizer.normalize(input_data, calc=False) norm_labels = self.labels_normalizer.normalize(labels, calc=False) norm_data = self._tensor_dict_sanitize(norm_data, self.keras_model.input_names) norm_labels = self._tensor_dict_sanitize( norm_labels, self.keras_model.output_names ) total_num = input_data["input"].shape[0] eval_batchsize = self.batch_size if total_num > self.batch_size else total_num steps = total_num // self.batch_size if total_num > self.batch_size else 1 start_time = time.time() print("Starting Evaluation") evaluate_generator = CNNDataGenerator( batch_size=eval_batchsize, shuffle=False, steps_per_epoch=steps, data=[norm_data, norm_labels], ) scores = self.keras_model.evaluate(evaluate_generator) if isinstance(scores, float): # make sure scores is iterable scores = list(str(scores)) outputname = self.keras_model.output_names funcname = self.keras_model.metrics_names print(f"Completed Evaluation, {(time.time() - start_time):.{2}f}s elapsed") return list_to_dict(funcname, scores)
@deprecated_copy_signature(fit) def train(self, *args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs) @deprecated_copy_signature(fit_on_batch) def train_on_batch(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.fit_on_batch(*args, **kwargs) @deprecated_copy_signature(predict) def test(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.predict(*args, **kwargs)