Neural Nets Classes and Basic Usage - astroNN.models

Available astroNN Neural Net Classes

All astroNN Neural Nets are inherited from some child classes which inherited NeuralNetMaster, NeuralNetMaster also relies relies on two major component, Normalizer and GeneratorMaster

Normalizer (astroNN.nn.utilities.normalizer.Normalizer)

GeneratorMaster (astroNN.nn.utilities.generator.GeneratorMaster)
├── CNNDataGenerator
├── Bayesian_DataGenerator
└── CVAE_DataGenerator

NeuralNetMaster (astroNN.models.base_master_nn.NeuralNetMaster)
├── CNNBase
│   ├── ApogeeCNN
│   ├── StarNet2017
│   ├── SimplePloyNN
│   └── Cifar10CNN
├── BayesianCNNBase
│   ├── MNIST_BCNN  # For authors testing only
│   ├── ApogeeBCNNCensored
│   └── ApogeeBCNN
├── ConvVAEBase
│   └── APGOEECVAE  # For authors testing only
└── CGANBase
    └── GalaxyGAN2017  # For authors testing only

NeuralNetMaster Class API

All astroNN Neural Nets classes inherited from this astroNN.models.base_master_nn.NeuralNetMaster and thus methods of this class is shared across all astroNN Neural Nets classes.

class astroNN.models.base_master_nn.NeuralNetMaster[source]

Top-level class for an astroNN neural network

  • name – Full English name
  • _model_type – Type of model
  • _model_identifier – Unique model identifier, by default using class name as ID
  • _implementation_version – Version of the model
  • _python_info – Placeholder to store python version used for debugging purpose
  • _astronn_ver – astroNN version detected
  • _keras_ver – Keras version detected
  • _tf_ver – Tensorflow version detected
  • currentdir – Current directory of the terminal
  • folder_name – Folder name to be saved
  • fullfilepath – Full file path
  • batch_size – Batch size for training, by default 64
  • autosave – Boolean to flag whether autosave model or not
  • task – Task
  • lr – Learning rate
  • max_epochs – Maximum epochs
  • val_size – Validation set size in percentage
  • val_num – Validation set autual number
  • beta_1 – Exponential decay rate for the 1st moment estimates for optimization algorithm
  • beta_2 – Exponential decay rate for the 2nd moment estimates for optimization algorithm
  • optimizer_epsilon – A small constant for numerical stability for optimization algorithm
  • optimizer – Placeholder for optimizer
  • targetname – Full name for every output neurones
2017-Dec-23 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)
2018-Jan-05 - Updated - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)
Experimental, I don’t think it works
Flush GPU memory from tensorflow
History:2018-Jun-19 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)

Get model configuration as a dictionary

History:2018-May-23 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)
get_layer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

get_layer() method of tensorflow


Get all model weights

Returns:weights arrays
Return type:ndarray
History:2018-May-23 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)

Get whether the instance has a model, usually a model is created after you called train(), the instance will has no model if you did not call train()

History:2018-May-21 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)
hessian(x=None, mean_output=False, mc_num=1, denormalize=False, method='exact')[source]
Calculate the hessian of output to input

Please notice that the de-normalize (if True) assumes the output depends on the input data first orderly
in which the hessians does not depends on input scaling and only depends on output scaling

The hessians can be all zeros and the common cause is you did not use any activation or
activation that is still too linear in some sense like ReLU.
  • x (ndarray) – Input Data
  • mean_output (boolean) – False to get all hessian, True to get the mean
  • mc_num (int) – Number of monte carlo integration
  • denormalize (bool) – De-normalize diagonal part of Hessian
  • method (str) – Either ‘exact’ to calculate numerical Hessian or ‘approx’ to approximate Hessian from Jacobian

An array of Hessian

Return type:



2018-Jun-14 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)

hessian_diag(x=None, mean_output=False, mc_num=1, denormalize=False)[source]
Calculate the diagonal part of hessian of output to input, avoids the calculation of the whole hessian and takes its diagonal

Please notice that the de-normalize (if True) assumes the output depends on the input data first orderly
in which the diagonal part of the hessians does not depends on input scaling and only depends on output scaling

The diagonal part of the hessians can be all zeros and the common cause is you did not use
any activation or activation that is still too linear in some sense like ReLU.
  • x (ndarray) – Input Data
  • mean_output (boolean) – False to get all hessian, True to get the mean
  • mc_num (int) – Number of monte carlo integration
  • denormalize (bool) – De-normalize diagonal part of Hessian

An array of Hessian

Return type:



2018-Jun-13 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)


Get input shape of the prediction model

Returns:input shape expectation
Return type:tuple
History:2018-May-21 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)
jacobian(x=None, mean_output=False, mc_num=1, denormalize=False)[source]
Calculate jacobian of gradient of output to input high performance calculation update on 15 April 2018

Please notice that the de-normalize (if True) assumes the output depends on the input data first orderly
in which the equation is simply jacobian divided the input scaling, usually a good approx. if you use ReLU all the way
  • x (ndarray) – Input Data
  • mean_output (boolean) – False to get all jacobian, True to get the mean
  • mc_num (int) – Number of monte carlo integration
  • denormalize (bool) – De-normalize Jacobian

An array of Jacobian

Return type:


2017-Nov-20 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)
2018-Apr-15 - Updated - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)
jacobian_old(x=None, mean_output=False, denormalize=False)[source]
Calculate jacobian of gradient of output to input

Please notice that the de-normalize (if True) assumes the output depends on the input data first orderly
in which the equation is simply jacobian divided the input scaling
  • x (ndarray) – Input Data
  • mean_output (boolean) – False to get all jacobian, True to get the mean
  • denormalize (bool) – De-normalize Jacobian

2017-Nov-20 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)


Get output shape of the prediction model

Returns:output shape expectation
Return type:tuple
History:2018-May-19 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)

Plot dense layers weight statistics

Returns:A plot
History:2018-May-12 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)
plot_model(name='model.png', show_shapes=True, show_layer_names=True, rankdir='TB')[source]

Plot model architecture with pydot and graphviz

  • name (str) – file name to be saved with extension, .png is recommended
  • show_shapes (bool) – whether show shape in model plot
  • show_layer_names (bool) – whether to display layer names
  • rankdir (bool) – a string specifying the format of the plot, ‘TB’ for vertical or ‘LR’ for horizontal plot

No return but will save the model architecture as png to disk

save(name=None, model_plot=False)[source]

Save the model to disk

  • name (string) – Folder name to be saved
  • model_plot (boolean) – True to plot model too

A saved folder on disk

save_weights(filename='model_weights.h5', overwrite=True)[source]

Save model weights as .h5

  • filename (str) – Filename of .h5 to be saved
  • overwrite (bool) – whether to overwrite

None, a .h5 file will be saved


2018-May-23 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)


Get model summary

Returns:None, just print
History:2018-May-23 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)

To determine whether the model depends on keras learning flag. If False, then setting learning phase will not affect the model

Returns:the boolean to indicate keras learning flag dependence of the model
Return type:bool
History:2018-Jun-03 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)


Documented Members:

class astroNN.models.base_cnn.CNNBase[source]

Top-level class for a convolutional neural network

evaluate(input_data, labels)[source]

Evaluate neural network by provided input data and labels and get back a metrics score

  • input_data (ndarray) – Data to be inferred with neural network
  • labels (ndarray) – labels

metrics score dictionary

Return type:



2018-May-20 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)


Use the neural network to do inference

Parameters:input_data (ndarray) – Data to be inferred with neural network
Returns:prediction and prediction uncertainty
Return type:ndarry
History:2017-Dec-06 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)
train(input_data, labels)[source]

Train a Convolutional neural network

  • input_data (ndarray) – Data to be trained with neural network
  • labels (ndarray) – Labels to be trained with neural network


Return type:



2017-Dec-06 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)

train_on_batch(input_data, labels)[source]

Train a neural network by running a single gradient update on all of your data, suitable for fine-tuning

  • input_data (ndarray) – Data to be trained with neural network
  • labels (ndarray) – Labels to be trained with neural network


Return type:



2018-Aug-22 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)


Documented Members:

class astroNN.models.base_bayesian_cnn.BayesianCNNBase[source]

Top-level class for a Bayesian convolutional neural network

History:2018-Jan-06 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)
evaluate(input_data, labels, inputs_err=None, labels_err=None)[source]

Evaluate neural network by provided input data and labels and get back a metrics score

  • input_data (ndarray) – Data to be trained with neural network
  • labels (ndarray) – Labels to be trained with neural network
  • inputs_err (Union([NoneType, ndarray])) – Error for input_data (if any), same shape with input_data.
  • labels_err (Union([NoneType, ndarray])) – Labels error (if any)

metrics score dictionary

Return type:



2018-May-20 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)

test(input_data, inputs_err=None)[source]

Test model, High performance version designed for fast variational inference on GPU

  • input_data (ndarray) – Data to be inferred with neural network
  • inputs_err (Union([NoneType, ndarray])) – Error for input_data, same shape with input_data.

prediction and prediction uncertainty

2018-Jan-06 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)
2018-Apr-12 - Updated - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)
test_old(input_data, inputs_err=None)[source]

Tests model, it is recommended to use the new test() instead of this deprecated method

  • input_data (ndarray) – Data to be inferred with neural network
  • inputs_err (Union([NoneType, ndarray])) – Error for input_data, same shape with input_data.

prediction and prediction uncertainty


2018-Jan-06 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)

train(input_data, labels, inputs_err=None, labels_err=None)[source]

Train a Bayesian neural network

  • input_data (ndarray) – Data to be trained with neural network
  • labels (ndarray) – Labels to be trained with neural network
  • inputs_err (Union([NoneType, ndarray])) – Error for input_data (if any), same shape with input_data.
  • labels_err (Union([NoneType, ndarray])) – Labels error (if any)


Return type:


2018-Jan-06 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)
2018-Apr-12 - Updated - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)
train_on_batch(input_data, labels, inputs_err=None, labels_err=None)[source]

Train a Bayesian neural network by running a single gradient update on all of your data, suitable for fine-tuning

  • input_data (ndarray) – Data to be trained with neural network
  • labels (ndarray) – Labels to be trained with neural network
  • inputs_err (Union([NoneType, ndarray])) – Error for input_data (if any), same shape with input_data.
  • labels_err (Union([NoneType, ndarray])) – Labels error (if any)


Return type:


2018-Aug-25 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)


Documented Members:

class astroNN.models.base_vae.ConvVAEBase[source]

Top-level class for a Convolutional Variational Autoencoder

History:2018-Jan-06 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)
evaluate(input_data, labels)[source]

Evaluate neural network by provided input data and labels/reconstruction target to get back a metrics score

  • input_data (ndarray) – Data to be inferred with neural network
  • labels (ndarray) – labels

metrics score

Return type:



2018-May-20 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)


Use the neural network to do inference and get reconstructed data

Parameters:input_data (ndarray) – Data to be inferred with neural network
Returns:reconstructed data
Return type:ndarry
History:2017-Dec-06 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)

Use the neural network to do inference and get the hidden layer encoding/representation

Parameters:input_data (ndarray) – Data to be inferred with neural network
Returns:hidden layer encoding/representation
Return type:ndarray
History:2017-Dec-06 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)
train(input_data, input_recon_target)[source]

Train a Convolutional Autoencoder

  • input_data (ndarray) – Data to be trained with neural network
  • input_recon_target (ndarray) – Data to be reconstructed


Return type:



2017-Dec-06 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)

train_on_batch(input_data, input_recon_target)[source]

Train a AutoEncoder by running a single gradient update on all of your data, suitable for fine-tuning

  • input_data (ndarray) – Data to be trained with neural network
  • input_recon_target (ndarray) – Data to be reconstructed


Return type:



2018-Aug-25 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)

Workflow of Setting up astroNN Neural Nets Instances and Training

astroNN contains some predefined neural networks which work well in certain aspect. For most general usage, I recommend you to create your own neural network for more flexibility and take advantage of astroNN custom loss function or layers.

For predefined neural network, generally you have to setup an instances of astroNN Neural Nets class with some predefined architecture. For example,

# import the neural net class from astroNN first
from astroNN.models import ApogeeCNN

# astronn_neuralnet is an astroNN's neural network instance
# In this case, it is an instance of ApogeeCNN
astronn_neuralnet = ApogeeCNN()

Lets say you have your training data prepared, you should specify what the neural network is outputing by setting up the targetname

# Just an example, if the training data is Teff, logg, Fe and absmag
astronn_neuralnet.targetname = ['teff', 'logg', 'Fe', 'absmag']

By default, astroNN will generate folder name automatically with naming scheme astroNN_[month][day]_run[run number]. But you can specify custom name by

# astronn_neuralnet is an astroNN's neural network instance
astronn_neuralnet.folder_name = 'some_custom_name'

You can enable autosave (save all stuffs immediately after training or save it yourself by

# To enable autosave
astronn_neuralnet.autosave = True

# To save all the stuffs, model_plot=True to plot models too, otherwise wont plot, needs pydot_ng and graphviz

astroNN will normalize your data after you called train() method. The advantage of it is if you are using normalization provided by astroNN, you can make sure when test() method is called, the testing data will be normalized and prediction will be denormalized in the exact same way as training data. This can minimize human error.

If you want to normalize by yourself, you can disable it by

# astronn_neuralnet is an astroNN's neural network instance
astronn_neuralnet.labels_norm_mode = 0

You can add a list of Keras/astroNN callback by

astronn_neuralnet.callbacks = [# some callback(s) here)]

So now everything is set up for training

# Start the training

If you did not enable autosave, you can save it after training by

# To save all the stuffs, model_plot=True to plot models too, otherwise wont plot, needs pydot_ng and graphviz

Load astroNN Generated Folders

First way to load a astroNN generated folder, you can use the following code. You need to replace astroNN_0101_run001 with the folder name. should be something like astroNN_[month][day]_run[run number]


To load astroNN model object from folder

Parameters:folder (str) – [optional] you should provide folder name if outside folder, do not specific when you are inside the folder
Returns:astroNN Neural Network instance
Return type:astroNN.nn.NeuralNetMaster.NeuralNetMaster
History:2017-Dec-29 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto)
from astroNN.models import load_folder
astronn_neuralnet = load_folder('astroNN_0101_run001')

OR second way to open astroNN generated folders is to open the folder and run command line window inside there, or switch directory of your command line window inside the folder and run

from astroNN.models import load_folder
astronn_neuralnet = load_folder()

astronn_neuralnet will be an astroNN neural network object in this case. It depends on the neural network type which astroNN will detect it automatically, you can access to some methods like doing inference or continue the training (fine-tuning). You should refer to the tutorial for each type of neural network for more detail.

There is a few parameters from keras_model you can always access,

# The model summary from Keras

# The model input

# The model input shape expectation

# The model output

# The model output shape expectation

astroNN neuralnet object also carries targetname (hopefully correctly set by the writer of neural net), parameters used to normalize the training data (The normalization of training and testing data must be the same)

# The tragetname corresponding to output neurone

# The model input

# The mean used to normalized training data

# The standard derivation used to normalized training data

# The mean used to normalized training labels

# The standard derivation used to normalized training labels

Load and Use Multiple astroNN Generated Folders

It is tricky to load and use multiple models at once since keras share a global session by default if no default tensorflow session provided and astroNN might encounter namespaces/scopes collision. So astroNN assign seperate Graph and Session for each astroNN neural network model. You can do:

from astroNN.models import load_folder

astronn_model_1 = load_folder("astronn_model_1")
astronn_model_2 = load_folder("astronn_model_2")
astronn_model_3 = load_folder("astronn_model_3")

with astronn_model_1.graph.as_default():
    with astronn_model_1.session.as_default():
        # do stuff with astronn_model_1 here

with astronn_model_2.graph.as_default():
    with astronn_model_2.session.as_default():
        # do stuff with astronn_model_2 here

with astronn_model_3.graph.as_default():
    with astronn_model_3.session.as_default():
        # do stuff with astronn_model_3 here

# For example do things with astronn_model_1 again
with astronn_model_1.graph.as_default():
    with astronn_model_1.session.as_default():
        # do more stuff with astronn_model_1 here

Workflow of Testing and Distributing astroNN Models

The first step of the workflow should be loading an astroNN folder as described above.

Lets say you have loaded the folder and have some testing data, you just need to provide the testing data without any normalization if you used astroNN normalization during training. The testing data will be normalized and prediction will be denormalized in the exact same way as training data.

# Run forward pass for the test data throught the neural net to get prediction
# The prediction should be denormalized if you use astroNN normalization during training
prediction = astronn_neuralnet.test(x_test)

You can always train on new data based on existing weights

# Start the training on existing models (fine-tuning), astronn_neuralnet is a trained astroNN models

Creating Your Own Model with astroNN Neural Net Classes

You can create your own neural network model inherits from astroNN Neural Network class to take advantage of the existing code in this package. Here we will go thought how to create a simple model to do classification with MNIST dataset with one convolutional layer and one fully connected layer neural network.

Lets create a python script named under an arbitrary folder, lets say ~/ which is your home folder, add ~/ to astroNN configuration file.

# import everything we need

# astroNN keras_import_manager will import tf.keras automatically if keras is not detected
from astroNN.config import keras_import_manager
# this is the astroNN neural net abstract class we will going to inherit from
from astroNN.models.CNNBase import CNNBase

keras = keras_import_manager()
regularizers = keras.regularizers
MaxPooling2D, Conv2D, Dense, Flatten, Activation, Input = keras.layers.MaxPooling2D, keras.layers.Conv2D, \
                                                          keras.layers.Dense, keras.layers.Flatten, \
                                                          keras.layers.Activation, keras.layers.Input

# now we are creating a custom model based on astroNN neural net abstract class
class my_custom_model(CNNBase):
    def __init__(self, lr=0.005):
        # standard super for inheriting abstract class

        # some default hyperparameters
        self._implementation_version = '1.0'
        self.initializer = 'he_normal'
        self.activation = 'relu'
        self.num_filters = [8]
        self.filter_len = (3, 3)
        self.pool_length = (4, 4)
        self.num_hidden = [128]
        self.max_epochs = 1 = lr
        self.reduce_lr_epsilon = 0.00005

        self.task = 'classification'
        # you should set the targetname some that you know what those output neurones are representing
        # in this case the outpu the neurones are simply representing digits
        self.targetname = ['Zero', 'One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five', 'Six', 'Seven', 'Eight', 'Nine']

        # set default input norm mode to 255 to normalize images correctly
        self.input_norm_mode = 255
        # set default labels norm mode to 0 (equivalent to do nothing) to normalize labels correctly
        self.labels_norm_mode = 0

    def model(self):
        input_tensor = Input(shape=self._input_shape, name='input')
        cnn_layer_1 = Conv2D(kernel_initializer=self.initializer, padding="same", filters=self.num_filters[0],
        activation_1 = Activation(activation=self.activation)(cnn_layer_1)
        maxpool_1 = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=self.pool_length)(activation_1)
        flattener = Flatten()(maxpool_1)
        layer_2 = Dense(units=self.num_hidden[0], kernel_initializer=self.initializer)(flattener)
        activation_2 = Activation(activation=self.activation)(layer_2)
        layer_3 = Dense(units=self.labels_shape, kernel_initializer=self.initializer)(activation_2)
        output = Activation(activation=self._last_layer_activation, name='output')(layer_3)

        model = Model(inputs=input_tensor, outputs=output)

        return model

Save the file and we can open python under the same location as the python script

# import everything we need
from custom_models import my_custom_model
from keras.datasets import mnist
from keras import utils

# load MNIST
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
# convert to approach type
x_train = x_train.astype('float32')
x_test = x_test.astype('float32')
y_train = utils.to_categorical(y_train, 10)

# create a neural network instance
net = my_custom_model()

# train
net.train(x_train, y_train)

# save the model after training"trained_models_folder")

If you want to share the trained models, you have to copy to the inside of the folder so that astroNN can load it successfully on other computers.

The second way is you send the file which is to the target computer and install the file by adding the file to config.ini on the target computer.

You can simply load the folder on other computers by running python inside the folder and run

# import everything we need
from astroNN.models import load_folder

net = load_folder()

OR outside the folder trained_models_folder

# import everything we need
from astroNN.models import load_folder

net = load_folder("trained_models_folder")

NeuralNetMaster Class

NeuralNetMaster is the top level abstract class for all astroNN sub neural network classes. NeuralNetMaster define the structure of how an astroNN neural network class should look like.

NeuralNetMaster consists of a pre-training checking (check input and labels shape, cpu/gpu check and create astroNN folder for every run.